senator elizabeth warren might have been a nice fit for the voters and citizens of Massachusetts if not for the irony of her dishonesty in acquiring tenure at one of America's premier universities, and arguably, the flagship school of the Ivy League. Further compounding the irony is that her Harvard past was at, of all places, the college of law. So much for honesty as one of the core tenets of jurisprudence, at least in her case. Both parties share culpability in that Harvard Law failed to perform their due diligence and she shouldn't have been listing such a distinctive characteristic based on family hearsay, no offense.

There is just one irony after another.

There is a dearth of written pieces which cover the middle ground with all due respect to my colleagues, both here at our organization and others, in regard to one of this week's newsworthy moments. In a previous article, this author critiqued the timing of the president's "Pocahontas" comment given the disparities between tribal culture, timeframes, and historical significance. I also suggested that it's not like Senator Warren has been extolling the uniqueness of her self-described, Native American heritage. While technically true, all it took was one moment in time for such a fabrication (assuming it is/was) to work, as it were.

The simple fact of the matter that requires no citing of any unique source since it's common knowledge is that Elizabeth Warren gained both economic stability and professional prestige at a university which tops the list of any would-be professor.

Was it based strictly on a policy of diversity hiring? Whatever the case, there is plenty of culpability in the form of vetting of pro-forma standards to go around. The second, simple fact of the whole matter is that Senator Warren started it, notwithstanding the POTUS' quirky sense of timing at times.

True Native Americans vs. Ivy League

The Providence Journal (Rhode Island) reported as recently as the first of September how the Pokanoket Tribe conducted an occupy vigil over sacred land disputes, which is occupied by part of Brown University's campus. The tribe's vigil in which they occupied these very same, sacred lands lasted for an entire month but got little coverage from mainstream media outlets despite a few tidbits of tantalizing details courtesy of FOX News.

The attached tweet-vid at the end of this article covers the most recent details of how the overall feelings regarding the Pakanoket vs Brown situation are at present. While there may be an "agreement," the land has not been turned over yet by the university. Thanks to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on behalf of Neesu "Two-Hawks" Wushuwunoag, a prominent member of "Aboriginal Nations of America," Brown somewhat capitulated by the end of September but like many, tentative agreements, the final ink has yet to be signed, let alone dried.

Senator Warner's future vs. Native or Indian-Americans

Senator Warren's response to the president was crying foul, that the comment was a racial slur. The invocation of Pocahontas should never be thought of as some ethnic epithet.

It's not exactly stately to use a historical figure simply to poke and prod a sitting, U.S. Senator but as far as "racism" goes, it's high-time for the Democrats to be called out for their constant use of outdated, out-of-touch, and outlandish tactics:

  • Race has its place and meaning in the English dictionary but all its etymological, tangential descendants in terms of vernacular are anachronistic at best; misnomers at worst
  • We, the citizens of planet Earth, are of the human race
  • The more appropriate terminology that needs to evolve (words have power) are etymological variations of ethnic, like ethnocentricity
  • Conversely, one who engages in "ethnism" is an "ethnist"
  • Viewing one's ethnic origins as superior to all others is in fact defined as ethnocentricity
  • The first, modern political movement to start talking about their Aryan origins as a "superior race" were the Nazis

The vast and distinctive cultures of the human race should be celebrated for the dizzying myraid of interpretations via the human condition, not weaponized through terminology that technically and morally, is incorrect.

As far as challengers on the horizon go, she faces some stiff competition from a true Indian American who holds no less than 4 degrees from MIT -- real diversity in action achieving the positive effect of its positive intent in America's higher-education system. The common theme and thread running through the recent slate of articles published by this author all return full-circle to one, central theme: Voters need to pay more attention to what their representatives are doing or saying on their behalf and contrast such actions against what was said or done only for the representative's behalf. It bears repeating that she started it. It's just that simple.