The yankees might not win their series with the Indians, but that does not matter. This article has nothing to do with the results and all to do with the way that they have played. By the time this article is published, the series will be half over. This is merely a thought experiment about how good the Yankees must be to take the Indians to 8-7 late in the game. The Indians must have thought that they would have an easier time with a slumping Yankees team, but that is not the case at all.

The Yankees look amazing.

The Yankees are scoring

Clearly, the Yankees will not score a lot in every game, but they have been able to bat against a very good pitching staff from Cleveland. That means that they will be able to bat against anyone because the Indians might be the best pitching staff in all of baseball. If the Yankees can hit this Indians team now, they will be able to do whatever they want if they can get through this series and possibly get to the World Series.

The Indians are not pitching

Part of the problem is that the Indians seem a bit rusty with their pitching. The Indians will probably get it together in the coming games, but their pitchers do not look good right now.

They are to blame for letting the Yankees get back in the first game, and the Yankees should not be able to hit this much. If the Indians can clamp down on defense, they will have many more ways to win. Right now, they are fighting for their lives, and it must not be very fun.

Have the Indians been found out?

I doubt that the Indians have been found out. No one will be able to watch tape of this series to figure out how to play the Indians, and anyone who thinks that they can is probably a little bit delusional. The Indians are going to win this series in all likelihood, and they will look a lot better at the end than the beginning. We might even look back on the Indians and wonder how they could have looked so bad.

Can Aaron Judge carry the Yankees?

We are going to find out how far he will be able to carry the Yankees, and it is possible that he might be in a place where he cannot do enough because there is nobody on base. This guy depends on people getting on base in front of him, and he cannot have really timely hits if he does not have that help. The Yankees have had a lot of help in terms of batting so far, but that might not always be the case. That means that the Yankees need to keep finding new ways to win, which could include hitting for averages instead of power.