Rose McGowan is in the news today. She was in the news yesterday. As it now stands, this writer hopes she is in the news for a while. Change needs to happen in Hollywood and in our entire country. If anyone is to lead such a charge against sexual tyranny in a place such as Hollywood, or even within our broken government that one might as well be Rose McGowan.

Rose McGowan’s got some balls.

Pardon the reference, but I think that even Rose would approve of it. There are a couple of individuals which I will discuss today, but first, let’s talk about the incomparable Rose McGowan and why I think she is the voice of a movement. I will also discuss why it is important to realize that she is certainly not the first person in Hollywood to suffer at the hands of such vermin. In fact, it could be more of a rule than an exception if you believe what is said.

Rose McGowan: how a seed becomes a Rose

Rose was born, the second of six children, in Certaldo, Tuscany in 1973, in a commune named, “The Children of God”.

She lived there until the age of ten, when her parents decided to move back to the US mainland, settling in Eugene, Oregon. McGowan told Howard Stern that even though she was in a commune, where I’m sure proclivities must have abounded, and accusations of abuse eventually did surface, that she was never abused there as a child. She began modeling in Italy for the first time.

Back in the United States and the age of ten, Rose had a wayward childhood and could often be found as a teenage runaway in Portland, Oregon. She left home permanently at the age of 15 and settled in Los Angeles, where she has been on her own ever since. And this is when she joined what I call a cult of another kind, in Hollywood.

Here is where I want to diverge though. Rose is the perfect spokesperson for change. She is not, however, the first to suffer sexual assault and/or abuse at the darkly twisted, oversexed hands of Hollywood power brokers. She is one of many. Folks have been speaking out about it for a few years. Hollywood has always managed to silence their voice. Frequently, and especially lately, more women have come out against their attackers, with actors like Bill Cosby finally being thrown into the street, if not a bit too late, in some cases. But no one is speaking for the children being raised in it.

But what about the two Corey’s, and those like them?

The incidents, hints, and allegations I am talking about are not merely sexual assaults, but sexual assaults of children.

The other two individuals of which I shall speak are childhood actors, Corey Haim, and Corey Feldman. Haim died in 2010, but not before coming clean on “The Two Corey’s”, a short-lived reality show that began in 2007. Haim had said he was raped at the age of 14. Feldman later recalls the age as 11. I suppose one might excuse the embellishment when the need to be heard in such a situation might very well tend to outweigh the need for accuracy.

Feldman speaks of parties they were made to attend where these sexual predators would stalk children. In his tell-all, “Coreyography,” he tells of himself being preyed upon by men in Hollywood. But the way he painted the picture for Haim was much more terrifying.

He writes that Corey was raped on the set of Lucas, at the age of 11. No names have ever been given by either Corey’s, to my knowledge. Such must be the powerful allure of Hollywood.

Speaking in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Corey Feldman told of missing his pal Haim and of the “dark side” of Michael Jackson which ultimately led to his estrangement from him. Feldman warned of the dangers of internet-era child predators in Hollywood, where, he said, “adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world."

So let’s continue this dialogue, Rose. I might even vote for you for President, should you ever endeavor to take your zeal and determination there.

But let’s talk about the child predators in Hollywood too, shall we? What a dark, twisted, male-dominated place to grow up?! And how must that maleficence project itself onto society through the performance of those same actors all grown up?