Ariel Winter, 19, opened up about her troubled childhood. The "Modern Family" star gave an interview to Hollywood Reporter magazine, where she talked about the complicated relationship she had with her mother, Crystal Workman, when she was a little girl. Ariel did not dream of being a celebrity, in fact, that was her mother's dream. She started working in the industry at the age of five.

When Ariel was 12, the actress started working on "Modern Family" and thanks to that, Winter became a world famous actress. That is when the hell started. She began to develop a female body and gained weight. For that reason, trolls began to insult her on social media. Workman began to pressure her daughter to lose weight, imposing strict diets

Crazy demands

The pressure exerted by Workman on her daughter began to worsen since she allegedly assaulted her. She was such a controversial mother that she wanted Ariel to look sexy in the media, making the Teen Actress look like a 25-year-old woman when she was only 12.

Workman forbade Ariel to have girlfriends because she thought women were too competitive and envious in this industry. For all those reasons, Workman lost her daughter's legal custody. Shanelle Gray, Ariel's older sister, became the legal guardian of the teen actress. Ariel and her mother have not spoken for five years. After having suffered a terrible relationship with her mother, she met wonderful people in whom she fully trusted.

Ariel Today

Nowadays, Ariel causes great controversy in the media and the social networks for her daring look: she is a sexy girl, not bothered outwardly by the opinion of others. The teen actress thinks that she does not deserve insults for being sexy and she always tells "haters" to stop following her and find a good hobby.

Trolls are very hostile, they insult Ariel every day. At first, she answered them, but one day she had enough and decided to ignore them. The artist now wants to focus on new interests, since she studies law at UCLA, because she wants to become a successful lawyer someday.

Ariel does not plan to leave her artistic career in Hollywood, but she does not want the performance to be everything in her life. She thinks a college career can enrich her life. Thanks to the law, she can channel her social concerns, especially in favor of women and little girls.Thanks to the fame, she will be able to make gender problems visible, which she knows very well.