The Jets have cut Tanner Purdum as the last player that links them to their last two trips to the AFC title game. Those teams have fallen apart over the course of time and mismanagement. They once had Mark Sanchez to lean on, and they once had a very good defense that featured names like Bart Scott. They had it all, and they had a coach that all their players loved. They had to fire Rex Ryan, Mark Sanchez could not restart the Broncos, Bart Scott works on TV, and the team is in shambles.

The Jets have to start completely over

The Jets have to start completely over if they have any chance of making a change.

They have already messed up with the drafting of Bryce Petty and Christian Hackenburg, and they have traded away or cut everyone who was with the team for a long period of time. The team is going to take time as their owner goes off to the UK to be the ambassador. They will wait and bide their time. They will find the right people as they wait, and they will wait several years before they are good again. It is a long time coming for the Jets, but it could be well worth the wait.

The offense is awful

The team has a defensive coach, and they have a terrible offense. This is the kind of thing that is best solved by hiring a guru or changing the coach. I think they will change the coach even though they do not deserve it.

Todd Bowles will get fired because the team is just about as bad as it can be, and the team will let him go because they have to make some kind of move that will give the fans what they want.

The team is not properly organized

Mike Mccagnan is not yet done organizing the team, and he has created a team that can be rebuilt because there is nothing left.

They have no offense, a sad defense, and they have little hope of winning very many games. I have to believe that they are going to continue on this line until they look like a normal franchise. I am willing to wait around because I am not a Jets fan, but I think fans of the Jets are going to be pretty upset because they might not even be able to draft Sam Darnold.

They might look nice, but he does not have to play with them.

The Jets are still the stepchild

I feel badly about the Jets because they are much better than this. I remember them being an alright franchise when I was a kid, and I hope that they will remain relevant in the future. Seeing the Jets as a good team will make me a much happier football fan, and I hope that other people can have the same experience. The fans have waited long enough.