Welcome to Wednesday’s daily horoscope for Libra! Your life is like an ocean. It may be rough or calm, but it’s still beautiful either way and full of unexplored depth. Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson has consulted the stars to see what’s up ahead for you so let’s check out your reading:

What to expect

Single Libras are working overtime today to find their special people and the stars suggest going to a social function in order to make it easier.

Wear blue to captivate the eyes of many and to fascinate newcomers. A Sagittarius could approach you with a romantic proposal so why not accept the offer and see where it goes from there. The stars predict a pleasurable night where your senses could be taken on a euphoric journey to the moon and back. It will be a happy day overall where you’ll be showered with affection by family and friends. There is a lot on your plate today Libra, but you still need to devote time to attend to your own needs. Tonight, you’ll need to settle down since your overactive mind has you in a frenzy. Try taking the stars’ advice: focus on the things you can change, and let of those which you cannot.’ You’ll be a lot more at peace with yourself.

You love secrets Libra, both keeping them and revealing them as well. Today, someone entrusts you with a juicy piece of information, and you are thrilled! It won’t be easy for you not to go around town playing the ‘guess what I know?’ game but you simply have to keep your lips zipped this one time. Your friend will appreciate your sincerity and who knows? The next time there’s gossip in the air, you’ll be the very first to know.

How to get through your day

Have you ever wondered what impact your words and deeds have on the universe? Today is a good day for the deeper questions especially since you’ve been becoming so much more in tune with yourself lately. The stars remind you of the law of karma.

Whatever you put out, you get back threefold, sometimes, tenfold! It’s time to decide what type of life you want to live and how you want to be remembered by your loved ones when you’re no longer here. Are there apologies to be made Libra? Do you need to repay a debt or fulfill a promise to someone you had no intention of keeping? Just remember that you can’t hide from karma. By the end of today, you may decide to join a charity, or just start doing volunteer work at the community center. Whatever you decide Libra, make sure it comes from the heart.

That’s a wrap for today’s daily horoscope for Libra. It has been a pleasure providing you with insight that could guide you towards a happier and more informed you. We hope that the rest of your Wednesday is enjoyable and look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.