The expectations around U.S. President trump's meeting with Russian President Putin in Hamburg, Germany for the G-20 Summit was highly-anticipated according to the media. The view was that under the looming investigation of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian officials who interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the puppet would finally meet the master, Vladimir Putin. To add, the details of the meeting were severely played down as the two-hour meeting did not include people like his national security advisor Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.
Clues that meeting would be about nothing
Prior to the meeting, White House advisors said that they were hoping that Trump would talk about Syria and the Ukraine as the Kremlin would be looking to pressure Trump to return two of their compounds that are on American soil. Last week, however, McMaster told reporters that the President would not be pushing any specific agenda and that he would be free to talk about whatever he wanted. This showed pretty clearly that President Trump might not be taken so seriously as a presidential figure if he doesn't bring up matters of importance. It was also believed at the time that that the meeting would be very brief before it reportedly went on longer.
McMaster intentionally left out
The fact that McMaster was not present appears to be a repeat those times when President Trump has reportedly left him out of meetings he's supposed to be a part of. The reason for this is blatantly obvious with regards to a criminal investigation being conducted on President Trump. Because, McMaster is currently one of the few in the White House who has some connection to normalcy within an abnormal administration, he would be quick to condemn the President for going down the wrong path.
It would also suggest that Putin and Trump had secrets they didn't want falling on other ears. McMaster's unwanted ties to Washington has been confirmed by Trump's Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. As reported, it was because of McMaster that Bannon was removed from the National Security Council (NSC).
Bannon made a statement at the time of his removal that McMaster had returned the council to its function as he had made no secret of wanting to make the NSC dysfunctional.
For this reason, it is believed that McMcaster has some role in trying to get the administration to bring up Russia's interference in the 2016 Presidential Election which the intelligence community is currently investigating. It would seem that the subject was finally brought up during President Trump and President Putin's meeting. But as expected, Trump did not press the issue enough to make it seem to those who take it seriously that he had any concerns over it.
Hiding from accountability
The reasons for this are clear as he has blown off the allegations saying that the scandal was created by Democrats because they lost the election to him. Over the months as the investigation had turned into one of a criminal nature, President Trump fired those involved in investigating his campaign which has given way to the view that he was intentionally obstructing justice.
To many aides closest to Trump, McMaster represents the deep-state bureaucracy that they hate, saying that it means to prevent the President's agenda from taking hold. Any concerns being brought up by the "deep-state" mindset was certainly not something the administration would have taken seriously and likely, if it's true that they did mention Russian meddling, they did it to humor people such as McMaster.
Nonetheless, it's been reported that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had drawn up a plan for the President on how they could improve their relationship with Russia. The plan was timely for the meeting, as the Kremlin released a statement saying that they too want to improve their relationship.
Both countries have diplomatic bilateral matters of consensus where they can meet along the way in their war against ISIS in Syria. It was reported for instance that the two countries had made a ceasefire agreement.
But these ceasefires have been agreed to before under the Obama administration and under Russia and Syria's diabolical terms. Overall, both the U.S. and Russia mhad reportedly made their demands during the meeting, but without the media, it's unknown just how forceful they were to make those demands. It's more believable that they simply had a casual conversation.