"Dunkirk" is one of those movies that you would assume is too masculine for its own good. After all, Hollywood movies often inject an element of romance to spice things up. Christopher Nolan's approach, however, is straightforward, and for the right reasons. "Dunkirk," which stars Fionn Whitehead, Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Cillian Murphy, James D'Arcy, and Harry Styles hits the right emotions.

And they did not need cheesy lines to do it.

Without embellishments

Nolan did a good job not romanticizing war, and in doing so succeeded in bringing out raw emotions from the actors and the characters they portray. Here, you see Whitehead's character "Tommy" looking out for himself while not succumbing to the selfishness that Harry Styles' character "Alex" exhibited. You see Murphy's "injured" soul not wanting to go back to the place where he nearly died. There is Hardy airborne for most of the film, doing his best to down enemy planes that were picking off the soldiers trapped at Dunkirk beach one by one.

The production at such a massive scale successfully captured what this moment in history was all about: there were hopelessness and dread for some, yet many held on to hope. Many would do anything to survive and, during those dire circumstances, surviving was enough.

Brilliant ensemble

What made Christopher Nolan's movie such a powerful retelling is his great cast. Rylance and Hardy might be seasoned actors, but the same dedication can be expected from big-screen newcomers Whitehead and Styles. There is no "weak link" in the cast, and it was a product of Nolan's rigorous process of screening to find the people who were perfect for the role. Nolan, Whitehead, and Styles have all shared bits and pieces of how the casting procedure went about--a bit of a round robin to see how they play well with others.

There is also no big or small role in the war epic. Dunkirk shows how the lives of these soldiers, who were supposed to protect their citizens, were as fragile as the lives of those back at home. Civilian ships were called to rescue the men, and though they were not equipped for war, they served their purpose in reviving hope. One of the most heartwarming movie scenes is when the horizon shows how many civilian boats came answering the call for help--big or small vessel, it did not matter.

Nolan also paid attention to the small details that made the movie even more real: despite the minimal script and the background for each character, we see a glimpse into their lives enough to see how war has changed them.

Suspenseful music

Dunkirk would not have had such impactful scenes if not for the contribution of Hans Zimmer. Those who saw the film will not be able to get that ticking sound out of their head for quite a bit. The suspense brought to the surface by the "Dunkirk" score will stay with you hours after the movie. And, of course, there are those scenes that will take you by surprise, the music drawing out your emotions without you even noticing it.

"Dunkirk" is out everywhere, and it is a must-watch for everyone.