While most of the media, and a large part of the public, seems to treat the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, as a brash, egocentric maniac who stumbled his way into the White House, the man is much more than that and he has demonstrated his abilities, countless times. One can draw a lot of conclusions about Trump focusing only on the way he speaks, without even getting into his political stances and maneuvers.

Trump's metalanguage

If Donald Trump wasn't a skilled persuader and a master manipulator, he wouldn't have won in 2016. His ability to manipulate and persuade the American public is one of the main reasons he is currently a resident of the White House. The focal point of Trump's Persuasion arsenal is the way he talks.

Words and phrases like "believe me", "people say", "tremendous", "huge" and others are defined as Trumpisms. Hyperbole and exaggeration are his favorite tools. Trump uses them to appeal to emotion.

He caters to the public using exaggeration as his main weapon. He speaks in pictures and metaphors, often spouting incoherent nonsense or his signature populist demagogy and repeating trigger words (words like "win" or "bad" for example) over and over again.

This is how Donald Trump manages to stay on top of every situation, without ever losing his cool, remaining calm and collected as he continues to manipulate and persuade the public. His tweets are a great example of this. They're simple, concise and rich with hyperbole.

An agent of chaos

Trump has shown, countless times, that he is great at making diversions and distracting the public from what actually matters. The recent transgender military ban was an obvious diversion from the Obamacare issue. The repeal attempt may have failed this time, but Trump has already made an effort to shit the focus on other, less important, issues.

The chaotic ambient fits Trump well. It makes him feel comfortable and relaxed.

He thrives on chaos and makes the best out of it, fooling the public and the media with simple, efficient persuasion maneuvers, satisfying his own fan base and throwing bones to his opponents, at the same time.

As long as the American public, along with the majority of the mainstream media, keeps falling for Trump's tricks he will continue to turn every situation to his advantage, controlling and manipulating the public like he has so skillfully done during the elections.