Here's what I'm gonna do. I have the best story ever. It is lighting up the little corner of Twitter where the likes of Malcolm Nance and Louise Mensch and others trailing Trump Russia pursue him nonstop. Here is the first of many tweets that are germane so you know exactly what I know and evaluate it for yourself. If it is confirmed Trump is Toast. Or close to it.
Let's put it this way. These Trump-Russia folk would go for most anything that seemed hyper-damaging. But they have reputations to protect. The right wing hates them but their relentless reporting has been more or less responsible for keeping Russia front and center in the fog of Trump.
KA-POW! Who’s got tapes? Comey! EXCLUSIVE: FBI’s Comey Legally Taped Calls, Meetings With Trump
— Boss Media (@BossMediaUSA) June 13, 2017
If this is true, then Comey has to be given the ulto-entrapment award of the millennium. This beats finding John Wilkes Booth in a barn and Dillinger in a Lincoln Park alley. He gets it because he had the idea. He gets it because he didn't say anything when Trump talked about tapes, except Lordy let it be! So why would we know now but not then?
As of now, the blog Patribotics remain the main source for this information, as there is nothing on Google to suggest Comey recorded Trump. Here s the heart of the matter: US intelligence is reported to have legal copies of Trump "tapes" and Comey is reported to have had his phone legally tapped to record suspects including Donald, Eric and Don Jr.
for more than a year.
Court records
The blog piece than anchors this report refers to existing court records relating to Comey and his phone and software and to Jeff Sessions efforts to gain access to it. This reporting adds a certain credibility. It might also help explain the slow burn leading to the explosive firing of Comey by Trump.
Make the attacker go away. Magic thinking. Very bad logic.
Anything else?
There are lots. According to the information posted here, Comey has been pursuing a criminal investigation of Trump for some time and precipitated his firing to focus attention on the criminal matter. I am going to declare all of this rampant speculation, as disturbing or entertaining as it may be.
My reason for posting it is that all the Russia types on Twitter are jumping up and down. When I finish this I will resume my own searching.
This story is pure speculation which is why it is only an opinion. It is not yet news. But there are some emerging clues. Sessions' recusal disturbed Trump mightily. Was Trump depending on him to quash the story we are speculating about? Was Comey saying he hoped there were tapes to signal the FBI to make copies? This is either a breaking rumor or breaking news.