Actress Tina Fey, best known for her work as a comedian on "Saturday Night Live" pressed white women with college degrees to take a stand against President Donald Trump's policies threatening women's reproductive rights. Fey urged those women to stop ignoring the current political ramifications that will eventually affect females of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.

She warned them not to be fooled that Trumps' new regulations don't play a role in their life, yet. Eventually, Fey warned, they will infringe on all females living in America.

Speaking with Donna Lieberman, director of New York's American Civil Liberties Union and ACLU's deputy legal director Louise Melling, she spoke up for the protection of women’s rights under President Trump's administration.

Do not look away

Discussing the need to secure women's reproductive rights and the future rights of all women living in the United States, Fey spoke openly and with great concern saying it was time to understand that what is going on in America must not be taken lightly.

Fey, a college educated white woman herself, believes things in the U.S. under the Trump administration will only get worse if people look away. She expressed her concerns with the two ACLU directors and said the time for action is now.

2016 election was in your hands

Speaking at “Stand for Rights: A Benefit for the ACLU” on Friday night, the comedian said she was afraid white, college-educated women might not like to admit or rather prefer to forget that the 2016 election was turned by them and hoped they would not sit complacently by over the next four years watching television.

These comments come on the heels of the House Freedom Caucus pushing to take much-needed funds from Planned Parenthood.

Hoping to encourage those voters whom she seemingly hold's responsible for Donald Trump's victory, Fey urged them to take a stand against his policies.

Threatening work of past 100 years

The actress is correct when she targeted white women – 52 percent of all white women and 44 percent of white women with a college degree voted for President Trump. It should also be noted that votes for Trump from white men come in with even higher numbers. Fey was also correct when she said that the advancements made over the past one hundred years are now being threatened by the Trump administration.