In a March 13th article entitled "How Donald Trump happened," Jamal Bowie touches on an underlying factor that people of color believe propelled the businessman into the Oval Office. It's something that has been circulating through African American communities since the election. I shared this theory with my husband one night. A friend brought it up to me a few weeks later.

A minister spoke on it from the pulpit on Easter Sunday. And a relative expounded upon it on yesterday.

The 'White' house factor

In the beginning, Donald Trump was seen as a joke. He was a reality TV star, with no political experience. No-one expected him to get the nomination. And polls showed he certainly was not going to win. Even so, he kept going, leaving career politicians in his dust. It was both unbelievable and also astounding to watch this take place. Along the way, Americans heard of videos of 'The Donald' degrading women. We saw the television commercial where he made fun of a man with cerebral palsy.

Former KKK leader David Duke endorsed him, and Mr. Trump ran a very negative campaign.

He disrespected the wife of Ted Cruz, resorted to name calling, and used race-baiting terms. "Lock her up," Crooked Hillary," "Drain the swamp," "Build the wall," became the chants of his followers. He referred to Mexicans illegally living in American as "rapists and murderers." The one slogan from candidate Trump that really raised the ire of many African Americans was "Make America Great Again." Many black and brown Americans believed this was code for "Make America or more specifically the White House, "white" again.

The root cause of it all

Anyone who researches American history knows that this nation was never "white." Native Americans and actually some Africans were here before Columbus.

What has always been inhabited by Caucasian Americans was the Oval Office. So with deductive reasoning people of color surmised that underlying factor that was motivating Donald Trump and many of those who supported him was Barack Obama. These individuals could not accept that a black male, or rather a biracial man had occupied the White house for two terms as president. Cultural shock more so than racism was the root of all the evil.

As the election process moved along and Donald Trump edged closer to his goal, Americans of all ethnicities could sense something was wrong. No matter what issues were brought out about him, there seemed to be an undercurrent pushing this man forward. When he won, there were shock waves within the black community.

And soon the ripple effect of why he won began to be voiced. Each time the president tweeted or said something outrageous, people could not believe such a man had been voted in as our commander in chief.

The first 100 days

Today President Trump has not yet reached his first 100 days in office. He has however had more scandal and drama than any other president in U.S. history according to veteran reporter Dan Rather. Russia, wiretapping Trump tower, the Muslim ban, arguing about inauguration day numbers, and so much more cause the theory of why he won to be voiced even more. Each time the president embarrasses himself and the nation, the question is asked: "Could {some} conservative Americans have been so indifferent to a president of color, that they put an idiot in the White House?

Until Barak Obama was elected, the White House had always been "white." Even to black Americans, it was vastly different seeing a family of color, as our first family. In his article, Jamal Bowie surmises, "White voters hope Trump will restore the racial hierarchy upended by Barack Obama." Although it cannot be proven, many do believe this is what fueled the fire, that propelled a non-politician into the highest office in the land.