Information came to light this week, indicating that Bill O'Reilly, host of the Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor" had been sued by 5 female co-workers, and it seems only natural that president Donald Trump would defend Bill O'Reilly. After all they are cut from the same cloth. Both of these well established older businessmen have been accused of sexually harassing women. While advertisers are fleeing from O'Reilly, the president refers to him as a good man, and adds that he does not believe Bill O'Reilly did anything wrong.
What does the president really mean?
It has been established as a fact, that O'Reilly and Fox News together paid out over 13 million dollars to 5 female coworkers, who accused the TV host of sexually harassing them. So what does the president mean when he says 'O'Reilly did nothing wrong? Is he giving a subliminal message, so that others will begin to say "He did nothing wrong."? Or is the president comparing the host of "The O'Reilly Factor" to himself, and indicating that there is nothing wrong with men engaging in sexual misconduct with women?
Wednesday night on CNN, there was a panel discussion regarding this situation, with varied responses. Rebecca Berg, a RealClearPolitics reporter pointed out that Donald Trump had former Fox News chairman Roger Ailes as part of his campaign, in spite of the fact that Ailes had a number of women accuse him of sexual harassment.
Chris Cilizza of the Washington Post believes the president is being loyal to O'Reilly because the two have long been friends. While others distance themselves, Donald Trump stays the course.
Donald Trump is not going to change
President Trump is a 70-year-old man who more than likely is not going to change the way he does things..
He is fiercely loyal to those who show loyalty to him. The president is set in his ways, and he believes his methods have worked. So there is no reason for him to change now. There also is no indication that he is going to settle down and become more presidential. Survey after survey indicate, that hiis approval ratings are down.
His core supporters, white males, are abandoning him, and still Donlad Trump continues to be controversial and go against the grain. Powerful older men such as Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilly, and Roger Ailes are like birds of a feather. These men stick together, seeing nothing wrong with their behavior. This is why the POTUS sides with his buddies, even with evidence to suggest that they are guilty.