TMZ is reporting that Michael Jackson's mother is being kept away from his children. They allege that Paris, Blanket and Prince Michael are not allowed to see their grandmother Katherine. The mother of The Jackson Five has been In London for several months. Family members were trying to keep her away from her nephew through marriage, Trent, whom she is suing for elder abuse.

The family steps in

With 8 of her 9 children living, its not clear why the nephew of Joe Jackson was Katherine's caretaker. Family members eventually stepped in, and whisked her out of the country. According to TMZ, when she returned to LAX Airport, oldest daughter Rebbie tried to block reporters from getting close to her mother. Michael Jackson's children were also left out of the loop in 2012. Paris was not told that other family members had taken katherine jackson to Arizona, and Paris reported that her grandmother had been kidnapped.

What's really going on?

The Jackson matriarch returned to Lost Angeles because of the lawsuit against her nephew.

Trent Jackson has stated that he believes siblings Rebbie and Jermaine are using the lawsuit in order to get control of their mother's estate. No one is sure how Joe Jackson's nephew ended up taking care of Mrs. Jackson. With 8 children, and many grandchildren it would seem that some of them would be living with her, or at least dropping by from time to time. Katherine Jackson was made the guardian of Michael's children, so why is she being kept away from Paris, Blanket and Prince Michael? None of it makes much sense.

Also consider that not one word has come from Joe, the father of the clan. He is reportedly living in Las Vegas, but why is he not speaking out? Joe has been silent on the issue of his estranged wife accusing his nephew of being abusive.

Another red flag is the fact that immediate family allowed a nephew through marriage to got so close to Katherine Jackson, and was living with her.

The big question is, why is the 86-year-old woman being kept away from her home? You would think they would keep Trent away, and have round the clock surveillance, bodyguards, and/or personal assistants for Katherine. Perhaps in time the mystery will unravel. For now, the questions are mounting without any answers.