Most women have not had to get signed permission slips since elementary school days. But if Oklahoma's House State Public Health Committee (SPHC) has its way, fully grown women all across America may have to start doing just that when it comes to matters of their own bodies. The SPHC is considering proposal HB 1441 today. It was tabled the last time it came up, but now they want to send it to the Oklahoma House of Representatives for a formal vote.

While this bill, if passed, will initially affect the women of Oklahoma, there is the fear that other states will follow suit.

Father can demand that you have his baby

The proposal would force women to behave in schoolgirl ways that, though it may be the play fantasy of some men, would surely ruffle the feathers of women who have fought hard for the right to have their voices be heard. Women, whether part of the various feminist movements or not, want to have a say in matters that affect their lives -- especially their own bodies.

The almost patronizing bill, if voted into effect, would require three things from women seeking abortions:

 She must identify the biological father to the doctor.

 She must get the father's permission in writing for her to be granted access to an abortion.

 She must allow the named father to demand a paternity test, if he chooses to do so, before giving written permission.

You have no choice, you're just a vehicle

As if these requirements aren't enough to give women pause, many are appalled at the language State Representative Justin Humphrey used in trying to clarify the proposal. Humphrey is the author of the proposed legislation and gave a pretty inflammatory statement to The Intercept newsletter. He said that while he understands that women want to feel like they are in control of their bodies, that is not necessarily the case.

He went on to say that he believes that the woman is nothing more than a "host" for the fetus.

He ended his statement with: "And you know when you enter into a relationship you’re going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don’t get pregnant." Representative Humphrey can expect a big backlash from women across all party lines, that is, if he gives them permission to speak.