Westworld is a science fiction thriller series aired on HBO. The television series is based on Michael Crichton's movie of the same name (1973) and on its sequel Futureworld (1976).
Westworld is created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy along with J.J. Abrams, Jerry Weintraub and Bryan Burk as executive producers and first premiered on October 2, 2016.
The series takes place in Westworld, a fictional, technologically advanced Western-themed amusement park, populated by android robots, called "hosts", where rich visitors (named "newcomers" or "guests") can do whatever they want without any fear of retaliation from the androids.
Westworld features many high profile actors as main characters of the series. Among the "hosts"
- Dolores Abernathy, starred by Evan Rachel Wood. Dolores is the oldest host in the park, who gradually discovers her life as an artificially constructed lie.
- Maeve Millay, starred by Thandie Newton. Maeve is the beautiful madam of Westworld
- Teddy Flood, starred by James Marsden, is a newly arrived gunslinger
- Clementine Pennyfeather, starred by Angela Sarafyan, works for Maeve and is one of Westworld's most popular attractions.
Among the humans:
- Dr. Robert Ford, starred by Anthony Hopkins. Dr. Ford is Westworld's mysterious creative director
- Bernard Lowe, starred by Jeffrey Wright. Bernard is the creator of the artificial intelligences and serves as Head of Westworld's programming division.
- Logan, starred by Ben Barnes. Logan is one of the veteran guests and a bachelor whose experience at Westworld is motivated either by his hedonistic temperament and his desire to help his friend William.
- William, starred by Jimmi Simpson, is Logan's friend and brother in law. He is a reluctant first-time visitor who gradually discovers a deeper meaning into the park.
- Theresa Cullen, starred by Sidse Babett Knudsen, is Westworld's operations director.
- Ashley Stubbs, starred by Luke Hemsworth, is Westworld's security director.
- The Man in Black, starred by Ed Harris, is a mysterious rich guest of the park, who's trying to find a "deeper level" into it.
- Lee Sizemore, starred by Simon Quarterman, Westworld's artistic director.