Joe Biden sent a letter to the news networks to stop scheduling Rudy Giuliani onto their shows. Guess he did not get past the 1st amendment – the one where the government should not make a law against the freedom of the press.

A presidential candidate should not be making this demand. Speech is protected unless an intentional falsehood is used against another person. If this is the case, then Biden must take his accuser to court.

Ukraine has been in the news. The most prominent figure attached to Ukraine is Donald Trump and his conversation with the Ukrainian president. Rudy Giuliani believes that Joe Biden also has ties to Ukraine.

Rudy Giuliani claims against Joe Biden

He spent this past weekend on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures, ABC's This Week and CBS's Face the Nation. Giuliani claims that Joe Biden has ties to corruption in both China and Ukraine as reported by Fox News. Joe Biden is trying to shut Giuliani down from appearing on any network shows.

One of his biggest claims is quid pro quo. Biden actually admits to doing it during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.

He was forcing the Ukrainian president to fire the state prosecutor.

Joe Biden told Ukraine that they would not get $1 billion in loan guarantees if he was not fired. He states that he was fired because he was not strong enough against corruption in Ukraine. Rudy Giuliani claims that Viktor Shokin was the subject of a worldwide smear campaign.

Biden also claims that Ukraine was not investigating his son at the time he forced the government to fire the prosecutor. Guiliani states that he has an affidavit from Shokin that states he was investigating Joe Biden's son at the time. He also claims that he has another affidavit shows that the lawyers for Hunter Biden were meeting with the new prosecutors the next day.

Joe Biden was the leader of Ukraine's foreign policy. He was also the point man for China's foreign policy. This is where Rudy Giuliani has proof that Biden received $1 billion twelve days after a meeting in China and another $50 million at a later time.

Joe Biden's attempts to stop Rudy Giuliani

According to USA Today, two top aides to Biden, Kate Bedingfield and Anita Dunn drafted a letter to the top news agencies. These agencies include NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, and CNN. This letter was to encourage the networks to stop inviting Rudy Giuliani to appear on any of their shows.

The letter included the following, "While you often fact check his statements in real-time during your discussions, that is no longer enough," reported the USA Today.

This sounds like Joe Biden is encouraging the networks to report on one side. He does not want to hear any alternative views.

The letter gave the network some options. If they book Giuliani, then they have to make the same air time available to components of the Biden campaign. This sounds more like a threat than a choice.

Networks are obligated to offer truth, also a part of the letter. They should promote fact-based debate. This is a contradiction to his earlier argument that one side of that debate should be removed from appearing on the networks.

What does it mean?

Joe Biden has been one of the front runners for the Democratic nomination for president since he joined the race. He has the most experience of the Democratic presidential candidates.

He has taken an oath to protect the Constitution as a member of Congress and as a two-term vice president.

That oath states that you will protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. This letter sent from the Biden campaign does not protect the Constitution. The letter stated, "Your obligation is to provide the American people with an informed, fact-based and responsible coverage."

Joe Biden is promoting the exact opposite. Eliminating one side of the argument does not promote debate. It eliminates it.

If the claims from Rudy Giuliani are not based on facts, he would have an argument. Free speech does not give you the right to spread false and misleading stories that could slander another individual.

Slander is against the law and the proper venue to stop is the court system.

An individual does not have the right to dictate to a news network their programming. This is a direct violation of the 1st amendment of the Constitution. Is this the candidate that you want running a nation based upon freedom of the electorate. What would he do once he became the president of the United States? That is the important question to ask yourself when casting your ballot in the upcoming election.