This past Tuesday, millions of Americans mourned the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush. With her funeral set for Friday afternoon, Donald Trump will not be in attendance.

Trump on Barbara Bush

After the news broke last week that Barbara Bush was in failing health and denied additional medical attention, opting rather to return home for "comfort care," it was only a matter of time before the new headline dropped.

Following a battle with congestive heart failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Barbara Bush passed away at her home in Texas with her husband, former President George H.W. Bush by her side at the age of 92. Moments after her death became public, the news quickly made the rounds, with Donald Trump being mocked for having the incorrect date on his offical presidential response, while praising her "strong devotion to country and family, both of which she served unfailingly well."

With Barbara Bush's funeral upcoming, The Hill reported on April 20 that Donald Trump would not be paying his respects in person.

According to the offical White House statement, Trump would not be attending in an attempt to allegedly "avoid disruptions due to added security, and out of respect for the Bush Family and friends attending the service." While the president will not be there, First Lady Melania Trump will represent the first couple. Once the news broke, critics of the commander in chief took time to hit back, pointing out the vocal criticism of Trump by Bush in her final years.

Bush's funeral reaction

Following the confirmation that Donald Trump won't be at the funeral for Barbara Bush, social media reacted as expected. "He's probably not welcome anyway," one tweet read.

"Well of course he won't... he thinks she died last year," a Twitter user wrote in reference to the incorrect date on Trump's statement about Barbara Bush's death.

"Too busy golfing again? I doubt the Bush family wants him there anyway," another tweet added. "I bet the Bush family is relieved," an additional tweet stated. "While he probably wasn’t invited, it’s not customary for the President to go. Obama didn’t when it happened during his tenure and Faux News had a field day with it," a post pointed out.

"Trump has taken the presidency to a level no one could have ever imagined. The damage he has done to the office will take years repair," a social media user wrote. "The guy really doesn't belong. He's not even a real president," a follow-up tweet went on to read.