Movie producer Harvey Weinstein had to step back on indefinite leave from the Weinstein Company to get professional help after a number of Sexual Harassment allegations against him, CBS News reported. The decision was announced by the board of the company's directors on October 6. According to the statement, Weinstein's future work would depend on the information based on the current investigation and his therapeutic progress.

What the New York Times announced

The statement was signed by four out of six directors. It was made the following day after The New York Times' report revealed Weinstein's inappropriate behavior in the last 30 years. The New York Times wrote about producer's accusations after actress Ashley Judd and other employees at the Weinstein Co. and Miramax made claims about his actions.

Harvey Weinstein is a famous movie studio producer, who often appeared on the red carpet with his spouse Georgina Chapman. Lisa Bloom, Weinstein's adviser, said that "he denies many of the accusations as patently false." As the New York Times noted, Harvey Weinstein did not sign the four board members' statement and refused to give comments.

The Times reporter Jodi Kantor explained why the women revealed the past events so many years later. He said that in the Weinstein Co. workers had to sign a confidential agreement not to disclose any information which could bring harm to business or other workers.

Weinstein's position after the report

On October 5, Harvey Weinstein publically criticized the Times and its report. He said that he was going to sue the publication for $50 million, as he had not received an opportunity to "respond appropriately" to the accusations. He also admitted his inappropriate acts and asked for "a second chance." The producer also admitted that his behavior was "not good."

Meanwhile, Danielle Rhoades Ha, a spokeswoman for The New York Times, that the publication had given Weinstein two days to give a response, and Weinstein's lawyer had agreed with the key points regarding the producer.

She also called on Weinstein to release his employees from their signed confidential agreements.

CBS News stated that, Ashley Judd said that when she had to come to Weinstein's hotel room, he requested her for sexual favors. Judd added: “I said no, a lot of ways, a lot of times, and he always came back at me," NBC News reported. Rose McGowen also gave an interview against the producer.