A recent piece in USA Today said that Millennials make great entrepreneurs, especially with the number of skills they have. This generation has been stereotyped as lazy, laid-back, and the poorest among the age groups.
It is true that there are challenges facing this younger generation in terms of jobs, the emerging economy, and “stagnant wages,” the Report indicated. However, it is worth noting that these millennials possess skills that are perfect for starting successful businesses.
“That same restlessness that drives millennials forward, and some employers crazy, is also the hallmark of entrepreneurship,” USA Today’s Steve Strauss wrote. First, the millennials are quite equipped with multi-tasking abilities. They can do more jobs at once and utilize certain skills in various exciting ways.
USA Today also pointed out that around 62 percent of the millennials stated that they dream of starting their own businesses. Half of them have specific goals set within the next few years. Furthermore, 61 percent of this generation also stated that their “best job security” can come from turning themselves into business owners.
Great employees
Aside from being good entrepreneurs, millennials – social media enthusiasts, seekers of work-life balance, and independent people – can also make great employees, Business Matters reported.
“Dubbed the ‘go nowhere’ generation, they are often associated with a lazy, risk-averse attitude, but are they just misunderstood?” the UK-based publication asked. Despite being tagged as “self-entitled” individuals, millennials possess certain attitudes that are useful in the corporate world.
For one, they have a keen sense of responsibility. Business Matters explained that this trait stems from the way their parents raised them from a very young age. Business leaders were reminded, however, to keep these young people going by encouraging them to contribute their ideas instead of just giving them tedious tasks.
Bosses and CEOs can also take advantage of one particular trait that this generation collectively has – their hunger to change themselves. According to the report, millennials can quickly train themselves to become experts in their fields, and this can be used as an asset for a company.
While it is true that millennials spend most of their time during the day in front of their mobile devices, this habit can be used in a good way. The article also noted that the digital know-how of these young people can help businesses learn new innovations along the way.