In the never-ending Clinton email scandal, a Maryland Judge ordered the state bar on Monday to investigate three of Clinton' s lawyers on allegations that they helped her delete private emails.
County Circuit judge Paul Harris Jr. in his ruling said that the allegations made against the three lawyers; Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and David Kendall, were serious and further investigations were necessary.
He further added that the claims involved destroying evidence and the state was required to look into them.
The complaint about the incident was made by lawyer Ty Clevenger who has tried several times to have the former Secretary of State sanctioned. Clevenger has also been pressing for a public release of the FBI investigation on the matter in addition to having Clinton's lawyers disbarred.
While Federal courts and bars in Arkansas and Columbia have in the past dismissed Clevenger's applications, Judge Harris ruled the lawyers' complaint had merit. The Judge ordered the state of Maryland to launch an investigation and demand responses from the named lawyers.
Responding to the ruling, Clevenger said that his victory was based on the fact that the DOJ agreed that his complaint was in the public interest.
The FBI has in the past declined to an open-records request, claiming that the case did not meet the required threshold to be deemed to be in the public interest. It is against these claims by the Bureau that Clevenger appealed.
The ruling signifies that the Department of Justice accepted the lawyer's claims to warrant the ruling.
Although the FBI admitted that Clinton's actions were a threat to National Security, it did not recommend charges claiming that Clinton was too inept to understand the risks at hand.
The scandal
During her tenure as the Secretary of State, Clinton used a secret email account to conduct official business against Department policy.
The account was tied to a server that was in her New York home at the time.
During an interview on CBS before her book launch, Clinton acknowledged that she made a mistake and said that she had taken full responsibility for her actions. She took issue though, with the negative way that it was presented and the inability of the issue to stop.
Last year, the Maryland Grievance Commission had thrown out Clevenger's request to pursue the issue further. But Judge Harris disagreed with the Commission's reasons for confidentiality rules.