Redondo Beach, California, was the backdrop for the 2015 murder of Loredana Nesci, a beautiful and accomplished woman in the prime of her life. Nesci earned a place on the Los Angeles Police Department roster, serving from 1996 to 1998. She made a career change and attended law school, which led her to star in the 2014 Sundance TV reality show "Loredana, Esq." which followed her life as a mother and South Bay lawyer. She practiced workers' compensation cases, personal injury, and family law.
Reagan waited more than 4 hours before calling 911.
Nesci died from trauma to her intestines, bowels, and kidney from four stab wounds between her breasts and abdomen after a violent argument with her boyfriend, Robert Reagan.
He was a former Hugo Boss model and owner of the Vlixir Beverage Co. They were terminating their relationship, separating, and about to work out a custody agreement to share time with their son, Rocco. During the trial in August, jurors heard that the motive for the murder was that Reagan had spent $100,000 during a divorce and custody battle 11 years ago and wanted to avoid another expensive situation. Reagan claimed Nesci fell on the 15 inch, "Rambo-style" serrated knife during a struggle and he never intended to kill her.
The blade was thrust so forcefully it came out her back.
Police testified that they found that the blood on the body, comforter, and sheets was dry by the time they responded to the domestic disturbance call.
Nesci had defensive wounds on the palm of her left hand and had scraped knees. According to the testimony of Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Allyson Ostrowski, Nesci's insides looked like Swiss cheese, with one wound 7 inches long. Blood was on the sliding glass door, indicating she was trying to escape.
Their 5-year old son was home at the time.
Reagan packed a bag for his son, took a shower, and went to the bank before he dialed emergency responders. Rocco was picked up by Reagan's brother and sister before the 911 call. Former Meridian police Lieutenant Sal Nesci, the brother of the deceased, then took custody of Rocco. He mentioned Rocco was the love of Nesci's life.
Reportedly, Reagan hasn't seen his son in over two years since his incarceration.
Reagan was found guilty of second-degree murder. The jury deliberated for three days after a two-week trial in August. At the sentencing today, Judge Mark Arnold called Reagan callous, cruel, selfish and brutal, and added, "now it's time for you to pay."