To many, Charlottesville became a turning point for the Trump administration. The violent "Unite the Right" rally that created more controversy for the President, allowed the American people an opportunity to see, without a doubt, just what the President's agenda really was. That being a white supremacist and nationalist agenda against minorities. For those who needed further confirmation, it would come within weeks after the events of Charlottesville when he granted a pardon for the racist Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa, County, who had been convicted of being in contempt of court.

Charlottesville brought out the worst in right-wing politicians

The Charlottesville incident -- which killed three people -- would end up exposing similar sentiments that equalized counter-protesters -- one of them who was killed -- with Nazi-minded hate groups that started the rally. It was reported that Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) was one lawmaker who revealed similar sentiments to Trump's, and therefore a connection to a white supremacist mindset than mainstream voters thought might have thought. Brat's most important connection is with Breitbart nationalists Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.

When we look at President Trump's anti-immigration agenda, we know that it's driven by the nationalist view that immigrants are "ruining" America.

Dave Brat had expressed this same view when he said that undocumented immigrants entering military service were what was destroying Western civilization. Here's a video with Dave Brat from the Federation for American Immigration Reform's (FAIR) Facebook page.

Trump administration's connections to hate group

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPL) considers FAIR a Hate Group for their anti-immigrant views. Both Bannon and Miller were part of Dave Brat's candidacy against Eric Cantor who ran on being against immigration reform that gave undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship. But Breitbart-Trump brand Republicans are now less than subtle about how they want to curb immigration. Even though most of that lot have already been removed from the White House, some aides that are capable of curbing their extremism are still supporters and even former members of FAIR and its anti-immigrant agenda. This leaves senior White House aides Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Miller, Attorney General for the Justice Department Jeff Sessions and Kris Kobach, who chairs President Trump's voter fraud commission.