Back in August, a 10-year-old Falls Church, Virginia boy wrote to President Donald Trump requesting permission to mow the lawn around the White House because he has his own mowing service with several neighbors as his customers. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read Frank's letter when it was first received. Frank offered to mow the White House lawn for free. He promised to bring his own fuel and batteries for his power mower and weed whacker. He wants to show the president what young people can do.

Request granted

Recently, Sanders reported that President Trump took Frank up on his offer and invited him to work with the groundskeepers on Friday, September 15.

She added that the president is committed to keeping the American Dream alive for kids. The boy, now 11 years old, will help cut the grass at the Rose Garden. Sanders said everyone is excited to meet Frank and have him at the White House to make his dream come true.

Absence from school

Frank's father, Gregory Giaccio, was on board about his son writing to President Trump. It was his son's idea, but his father helped the sixth grader type the letter. Even though he just returned to school for the fall term, Frank's teachers probably will not mind letting him miss school for such an educational and worthwhile experience.

Perhaps Frank's teachers will use this as a field trip for him in lieu of being in the classroom on Friday.

It will definitely be something for Frank and his family to remember for a long time. There are sure to be many reports about the boy's experience and photos posted online.

Other letters to the president

It is not unusual for the White House to get letters from kids. They don't always write with a request. Sometimes they just want to share something with the country's leader.

For instance, Sanders read a letter from 9-year-old Dylan Harbin who told President Trump that he is his favorite president. His last birthday party had a Trump administration theme, and his cake was in the shape of Trump's cap.

Sanders said she would be reading similar letters from the podium to remind adults how children are involved in politics even though they are too young to vote or make political decisions.

While there is no solicitation to get letters from kids, the letters are welcomed whenever the White House does receive them.

Congratulations are extended to Frank for being able to put the White House on his list of customers for his mowing business.