Based on studies, two vertebrate Species vanish from the planet every year on an average. Recently, species like the Catarina Pupfish and the Christmas Island Pipistrelle went extinct. However, very few people took notice. But a new study suggests that the declining number of species means something more catastrophic.
The rate seems to be slow, and thus, it is not perceived as a threat. But in reality, there is a significant number of decline in the Animal population. According to a new study, the case of biological annihilation is currently occurring on a global scale and is part of the ongoing 6th mass extinction.
There is an apparent trend when it comes to the population decline of animals worldwide. Scientists and biologists are now working towards mapping the trend to produce a precise database of the number of the losses.
Era of Mass Extinction
Researchers led by Paul Ehrlich, a biology professor, conducted the study. Based on the paper, the Earth has already entered the "era of mass extinction" although different from how the dinosaurs died millions of years ago. The threat surrounds about 41 percent of amphibians and 26 percent of mammals, based on the numbers released by the Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The group is also responsible for keeping track of the list of endangered and extinct species on the planet.
Dwindling Population
The new study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It explores beyond the number of extinct species and delves deeper into the trend and population decrease. Currently, they mapped about 27,600 species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians. Their study is so massive that they were able to map almost half the known terrestrial vertebrate kind living on the planet.
The researchers also conducted a study based on sampling with 177 mammal species from 1990 to 2015. After the research, their findings include the fact that the population loss caused 30 percent of the decline in vertebrate species in both population size and range.
Out of the existing 177 mammal samples, all of them suffered from 30 percent or even more loss when it comes to population range.
Some even loss up tp 80 percent. Meaning they are found in even lesser areas around the planet.
Based on the study, the decline is most evident in tropical regions specifically south and southeast Asia. In the said areas, the large-bodied mammals have already lost about 80 percent of their population range. This trend is alarming for the scientists because it could mean that the said species are almost near extinction.
Also, they found out that 50 percent of animals who used to live on the surface of the planet has already vanished. Also, billions of animal populations have disappeared as well. The lead biologist says that this number contributes to the "massive erosion" of the biological diversity in all of history.
The researchers say that human's passive attitude and lack of empathy are part of the problem. Wild species should be respected and taken cared off since they shared the planet with humans ever since. Lead author Gerardo Ceballos from the National Autonomous University of Mexico even said this trend of declining species is the start of the loss of many other species.
Prelude to Extinction
The decrease in species also entails a lot of repercussions. The ecosystem is disrupted by the loss of balance in nature. For example, the declining number of bees can significantly affect crop pollination and in the long run, will affect human food supply. Pet control and water purification in wetlands can also get hit by the decline in the bee population.
Also, the next generation will not be able to enjoy the environment as how this generation does today. The study calls for a long-term solution to the problem and is lobbying to stop extinction drivers such as overpopulation and over consumption.