Toward the start of the year, U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence expressed that nobody from Trump's crusade had any contact with Russians or Russian authorities
However, on Sunday, Trump Jr., who campaigned for his father, put out an announcement that last June a meeting with Kremlin-associated Russian legal counsel, Natalia Veselnitskaya was attended by Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and Paul Manafort, Trump campaign’s chairman.
The experience is believed to be the principal affirmed private meeting between a member of Donald Trump's internal circle and a Russian national. Mr. Trump Jr also told in a statement that they discussed a suspended program for Americans for adopting Russian kids.
When and how did this happen?
It happened at New York's Trump Tower on 9 June 2016, only two weeks after Donald Trump secured the Republican selection.
Mr. Trump Jr told that a person he had known from the 2013 Miss Universe show, had set up their meeting. The Washington Post also affirmed that person is the music marketing specialist Rob Goldstone, who has connections to the Russian music industry.
On Sunday, Mr. Trump Jr said in a statement that a request had been made to him to meet "a person who may have supportive information on the campaign.”"He has not disclosed the name before the meeting. He asked Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort to go for the meeting. However, revealed nothing of the substance to them", he added further.
Campaign stir
The adoption program was suspended by President Vladimir Putin earlier in 2012. It was suspended after the US Congress voted in a law to enable the US to withhold visas and stop monetary resources of Russian authorities that were thought to have been included with regards to violation of human rights.
Veselnitskaya, who had a key part in the campaign against the law, said: "nothing at all was talking about the presidential campaign."She had never followed up for the Russian government and had never talked about any of these issues with any illustrative of the Russian government.", she stated
Discussion at meeting
Additionally, Donald Trump Jr cleared that "no significant data" on Mrs.
Clinton was given.
Mr. Trump Jr's statement proceeds: "After the exchanged greetings, the lady expressed that she had data that people associated with Russia were financing the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton.
"Her announcements were obscure, equivocal and had no sound reason. No subtle details or supporting data were given. It turned out to be evidence that she had no important information on it."