The relationship between Donald Trump and the mainstream media appears to be getting worse by the day. After another round of Twitter attacks, the president addressed a crowd of veterans but decided to hit back at the press in the process.

Trump on media

Donald Trump is the President of the United States but spends a good chunk of his time bashing the press on social media. Since the early days of the 2016 presidential election, the former host of "The Apprentice" has been at odds with various journalists, newspapers, and cable news hosts.

After kicking off his campaign by labeling illegal immigrants as "rapists" and "murderers," Trump was faced with an onslaught of criticism from the majority of the mainstream media, which has only increased over the last two years. Earlier this week, Trump directed his attention to the hosts of "Morning Joe," accusing Joe Scarborough of being a "psycho," while claiming Mika Brzezinski was "dumb as a rock" and had a "facelift." In the 48 hours since his first tweet on the issue, Trump and the White House have gone into defense mode, with the president taking time out of his recent speech to veterans to bash the press, as reported by Mediaite on July 1.

While attending the "Celebrate Freedom Rally" in Washington, D.C. on Saturday night, Donald Trump was supposed to stay focused on honoring veterans. However, like he has in the past, the billionaire real estate mogul went off script and decided to brag about his election win, while taking a few shots at the media in the process.

"The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House but I’m president and they’re not," Donald Trump told those in attendance at the rally. "The fact is the press has destroyed themselves because they went too far," Trump continued, before adding, "Instead of being subtle and smart, they used a hatchet." "The dishonest media will never keep us from accomplishing our objectives on behalf our great American people," the president went on to say.

Moving forward

Despite Donald Trump continuing his attack on the media, the president has many other issues in front of him. With his health care bill facing almost universal criticism, Trump is also dealing with reported in-fighting in his own administration and a growing scandal surrounding Russia, all while his approval rating drops to under 40 percent. While it's unknown how the future will play out, Trump is not showing signs of changing his tune anytime soon.