According to CNN reports, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has set out a team of investigators to look into the 2016 Election saga. His investigators are set to speak with senior intelligence officials.

In a quest for information, the special counsel investigators are to meet with the National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers and director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, according to sources familiar with the issue.

Ledgett presents his memo

According to sources, the investigators have also met with former NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett. Ledgett had in his possession documents containing details of the discussion in which President Trump allegedly told Rogers to help get the FBI off the Russia probe.

According to Tuesday’s report of The Washington’s Post, the objective of the meetings was to find out if the Trump hindered an FBI probe by telling his former FBI director James Comey to halt the investigations into Michael Flynn, Trumps former national security adviser.

According to CNN’s sources, Mueller’s team is gathering facts that may suggest Trump’s interference in the FBI investigation.

The meetings depict commitment on the part of Mueller’s newly assembled team. However, Mueller will decide if there is sufficient evidence to pursue charges on any part of the probe.

Justice department backs Trump

Any incriminating charges against Trump would have to face the Justice department, who are strongly against indicting a sitting President. However, the ultimate decision would be made by Congress.

CNN sources did not confirm if details of the conversation between the senior intelligence officials and the President on the election saga would be presented in the meeting.

Mueller’s spokesperson declined to comment. DNI spokesperson also declined to comment. The NSA said it was working hand in glove with the special counsel on the investigation.

Both Rogers and Coats said they weren’t pressured by the Trump’s administration.

Rogers stated that he had never been ordered to do anything contrary to his legal, ethical and moral belief, and he wasn’t pressured to do so during that period of his tenure.

Former FBI director gave Mueller documents containing details of his conversation with the president on the subject of the investigation.

Mueller who was on Capitol Hill on Tuesday spoke with top officials of the Senate Intelligence committee about the details of the investigation.