According to CNN reports, in the wake of President Trump’s political saga, James Comey has posed as a worthy adversary.

Following the Ex-FBI’s dismissal, President Trump told the Russians that James’ exit had caused him to breathe a sigh of relief regarding the ongoing Russia probe. It is clear that he expected Comey to fade into private life.

James Comey showed up on Thursday to rekindle the heat on the White House. James posed as a transparent and cogent witness on the character of the president who seemed to speak for the FBI and the government institutions.

Twitter has been a handy tool in Trump’s campaign to propagate lies without repercussions. But prior to Thursday’s hearing, Trump had yet to be held accountable for his statements by someone with precision and facts.

Trump's credibility at stake

In the prejudicious statements that clearly depicted a potential obstruction of justice inquiry, the Ex-FBI boss openly put Trump’s credibility to a test by comparing it with his own. The Ex-FBI chief emphatically accused the President of lying, and explained the lengths to which he had gone in order to cover his tracks.

Donald Trump, the business tycoon, gained the elections partly by media hype and coverage. James’ statements about the Commander-in-chief’s wrong doings were a clear reminder that the president is not in control of the situation.

James spent over three hours factually proving to the panel that he was a skillful inside player in the Washington saga, one who had creative political instincts and was many steps ahead of the President. With plans to defend himself and the independence of the FBI as well as to propagate the Russia probe after being fired by Trump.

Why Comey documented the conversation

With unwavering bluntness, the fired FBI chief told the panel that he decided to document his discussions with the President in comprehensive memos because he predicted that he might lie.

Sarah Sanders, White House spokesperson refuted Comey’s claim during a backstage press briefing on Thursday.

She said she could vouch for the President’s credibility and felt it was disrespectful to ask such questions. Attorney Marc Kasowitz, Trump’s personal lawyer said the President felt exonerated when Comey told him repeatedly that he wasn’t under any investigation regarding the Russia interference in the elections. Kasowitz also stated that the President never ordered Comey to stop probing Flynn.