Two years after the White House announced the ruling of Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage, gay right activists crowded the streets of Washington. However, anti-corporate protesters reportedly briefly disrupted the event and blocked the route.

The D.C. Capital Pride Parade was blocked by a protester from No Justice No Pride. They linked arms in order to block the parade along the 15th and P streets in Northwest Washington holding a pink, yellow and turquoise banner with the statement, “What side are my people?

What side are you on? No justice, no pride.”

Police authorities said in a statement that the commotion is already expected. They immediately formed two lines around the protesting group and rerouted the parade down to the 16th street toward the Rhode Island Avenue.

More gay parade events coming

According to the New York TImes, Capital Pride parade was among the much-awaited gay pride events scheduled this weekend for cities across the United States, including Detroit, Boston, Milwaukee, and Kalamazoo.

Reports added that anti-Trump activists were planning a “million gay” anti-Trump march, on June 11 in Washington D.C.

This Sunday also commemorates the anniversary of the shooting incident which caused 49 people and wounded more than 50 others in a gay night club in Orlando, Florida.

Donald Trump reportedly continued Barack Obama’s executive order protecting the LGBT federal workers and military service members. The Republican stated he will support gay rights but the administration has reportedly revoked federal guidelines such as protecting transgender school students.

Trump’s administration shows no effort to gain LGBT community

Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, the co-chairman of Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus said that she is currently working to get Congress to pass laws prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination and she added that the Trump administration had forgotten what Lgbt Community has previously accomplished and positively contributed in the country in the recent years.

Cicilline said that since Trump took the office, he has repealed guidance to public schools regarding transgender students. She also added that Trump has appointed several anti-LGBT officials in the administration and that he has selected anti-LGBT Supreme Court Justice.

While the White House never commented on this issue, Trump previously repeatedly cast himself as a champion for people in LGBT community during his campaign and even won praises for being the first Republican presidential nominee to mention gay people on his speech. Moreover, his daughter, Ivanka Trump also publicly showed support for LGBT pride month through her official Twitter account.