The issue of health care has quickly become the most talked about topic in American politics. With Donald Trump's health care plan currently sitting in the Senate, critics are pushing back in a last ditch effort to prevent the bill from becoming law.

Ryan on health care

During the 2016 presidential election, health care was a hot topic for both Republicans and Democrats to debate.

In the Republican primary, all 16 candidates vowed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, but it was Donald Trump who had the strongest message that appealed to just enough voters to win the GOP primary last summer. Following his upset victory over Hillary Clinton on Election Day, the former host of "The Apprentice" was sworn into office just two months later. In the aftermath of his inauguration, Trump continued his push for a change in the American health care system, which kicked off when Republicans in the House of Representatives revealed their bill last month. After initially failing to gain much support, House Republicans eventually passed the bill onto to the Senate where it currently awaits a vote.

On Monday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their score, which bashed the bill known as "Trumpcare," finding that over 22 million people would lose insurance over the next decade. During a June 27 interview on Fox News, House Speaker Paul Ryan did his best to defend the bill in question.

While joining Fox News host Brian Kilmeade on Tuesday morning, Paul Ryan was pressed on the CBO's review of the Health Care Bill, as well as the backlash that is surrounding it. Ryan claimed that the CBO's report was actually saying that "if you're not going to force people to buy Obamacare, if you’re not going to force people to buy something they don’t want, then they won’t buy it."

"It's not that people are getting pushed off a plan," Paul Ryan prefeced, before adding, "it's that people will choose not to buy something that they don’t like or want." Ryan's focus was on the removal of the individual mandate that was put in place by Barack Obama in the Affordable Care Act, a provision has been viewed as a negative by many critics.

"You don't mandate that they're going to do this then that many people won’t do it," Ryan added.

Twitter reacts

Following Paul Ryan's interview on Fox News, social media critics didn't hold back their thoughts. "Paul Ryan, Obamacare is failing and we are here to save you. I think I've heard this before and it's usually more of the same," former game show host Chuck Woolery tweeted.

"No @SpeakerRyan . We are just getting started. And when your supporters start feeling the effects of your healthcare bill, they'll join us," another tweet went on to read. "What does The Banality of Evil look like? @SpeakerRyan grinning & chuckling while talking about taking healthcare from millions," an additional tweet added.

"ONLY if you pull support for the horrible Senate health care bill and FIX OBAMACARE! Stop screwing elderly, vulnerable and poor!" another social media user posted. The negative reaction continued as it was made clear that many Americans are not happy with the GOP when it comes to health care.