Maxine Waters, the Democratic congresswoman who has been calling for President Trump's impeachment since the day he was sworn into office, now finds herself in hot water after shoving Michael Tracey, a journalist for The Young Turks/TYT Network.

The incident occurred on Saturday after Tracey and his cameraman approached Rep. Waters in order to ask a question about former President Barack Obama's policy on Syria.

After Waters responded with a ridiculous off-topic rant, in which she called the TYT journalist an "Obama hater", she shoved Tracey's microphone in his face and stormed away, screeching, "I'm out to impeach the president!"

What makes the situation truly bizarre is that Tracey's question had nothing to do with Donald Trump. The Gateway Pundit reports that the question posed by Tracey that set Waters off was, “You say Russia’s not our friend. Was Obama mistaken to forge military cooperation with Russia in Syria and try to--” Maxine Waters then lashed out at Tracey, accusing him of being an Obama hater.

“Look, you and I have a different agenda, young man. I’m out to impeach this President. Get that straight. I’m out to impeach the President! I’m not gonna be diverted by people who are Obama haters," she said.

Apparently, Rep. Waters isn't a regular viewer of The Young Turks, the liberal/progressive news and commentary multi-media network founded by Cenk Uygur--a former MSNBC commentator who openly supported Bernie Sanders during the 2016 campaign season.

In fact, the TYT Network has been so critical of Donald Trump that the two opposing sides almost came to physical blows last year. During the Republican National Convention in July, alt-right icon Alex Jones and Trump surrogate Roger Stone crashed a live broadcast of The Young Turks, resulting in a contentious altercation that nearly escalated into physical violence.

Reporter tweets about confrontation with Rep. Waters

Immediately after the shoving incident, Michael Tracey took to Twitter and called out Maxine Waters for her disturbing actions, stating that the California congresswoman was the one who initiated physical contact. He added that it was "extremely suspect" for a member of Congress to shove a reporter and while he didn't consider Waters' shove to be an assault, there was "no justification" for the physical contact.

Waters seems to become more unhinged by the day

Maxine Waters' increasingly erratic behavior in recent weeks has not only raised the eyebrows of Republicans but has also drawn criticism from Democrats as well as some of her own constituents.

In May at the Democratic State Convention in Sacramento, Waters demanded an apology from her own party as well as "sensitivity training" for event organizers who cut her microphone after her speech ran too long.

A few days later she was caught on video demeaning a woman who confronted her after having written several emails to the congresswoman's office without getting a reply from Waters. According to The American Mirror, after Waters told the woman that she was just "one of 700,000" constituents, she launched into an anti-Trump tirade. “They’re going to take us down!” Waters declared, referring to the Trump administration. "Listen, I’m going to work every day until I get him impeached.”

When the constituent replied that she was going to work every day to get the congresswoman impeached, Waters shot back: “You can’t impeach a member of Congress! No, you cannot impeach a woman of Congress!" Staff then escorted the shouting congresswoman away from the constituent.