Donald Trump's Mental Stability remains in question as he serves as the U.S. president. Numerous experts have weighed in on the current state of Trump's mental health, and it's clear there are aspects of his behavior that are of great concern as he leads the most powerful nation in the world. Trump has trouble backing up his claims and often speaks -- or tweets -- before he thinks.

When every little word you utter is closely watched, mental stability isn't just an asset; it's a must.

"Serious problems" with Trump's mental state

Washington Post conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin told CNN's "New Day" on Monday that “there are serious concerns” about Donald Trump's “mental stability.” She explained that there are "serious problems" with the commander-in-chief being so "erratic" and "unreliable." The columnist continued that the gap between the president's statements and messages delivered through his communications team at the White House differ significantly.

Rubin used Trump's attack on the London mayor as an example of his illogical way of responding to a tragedy.

She says Donald Trump showed mental instability by slamming London Mayor Sadiq Khan after the city was attacked by terrorists -- an act that left seven people dead and many more wounded. The president mocked Khan for saying there was no reason to be alarmed.


The columnist criticized Trump for going after the mayor at the worst possible time to politicize a horrible incident. Rubin goes on to say that Trump is "not focused on the right things" and has created controversy. She brands the 45th President of the United States as the "world's worst client or the world's worst witness" because he oftentimes abandons the messages carefully prepared by his staff.

Does Trump have a "dangerous mental illness"?

Back in April, 25 leading psychiatrists gathered at Yale University to assess Donald Trump's mental health and concluded that he has a "dangerous mentally illness" and is unfit to serve as the U.S. president. Republicans responded by calling out the experts as "unethical psychiatrists" who were unwilling to accept the election results.

Dr. Allen Frances, who's written in the New York Times, said many amateur psychiatrists have misdiagnosed Trump as having narcissistic personality disorder, but that doesn't make him mentally ill. Frances added that the team of mental health professionals diagnosing Trump (all of whom don't know him) at Yale, are not fans of his and are distressed by his politics. Frances thinks categorizing Donald Trump as mentally ill is actually an insult to those who really are because most of them are well-behaved and have good intentions, which he says, Trump is neither.