In the aftermath of the recent Islamic terrorist attack in London, Donald Trump has used the opportunity to promote his controversial travel ban. While the White House has come to the defense of the president on this issue, an interesting name has decided to randomly speak out.

Conway on Trump

Throughout the entire 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump created constant controversy due to his questionable policy proposals and rhetoric. While Trump covered a lot ground during his campaign, his stance on immigration and dealing with terrorism was one of the highest profiled topics that was discussed.

The former host of "The Apprentice" quickly raised eyebrows over his views on how to tackle Islamic extremism, including a ban on Muslim entry into the United States. Trump turned his rhetoric into action after being sworn into office last January by signing an executive order that critics label a "Muslim ban." Two versions of the executive order were attempted earlier this year, with each being shot down by a federal judge. With the so-called "travel ban" appearing dead, Trump revived his order after the attacks in London, making notice of the issue in multiple tweets. As seen on Twitter, and later reported by The Hill, on June 5, George Conway, husband of Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway, decided to criticize Trump over his travel ban and the recent tweets that followed.

Taking to Twitter for the first time in nearly two years, George Conway ripped Donald Trump over his travel ban tweets. "These tweets may make some ppl feel better, but they certainly won't help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters," Conway tweeted, before throwing shade at the president by closing with Trump's infamous slogan, "Sad."

George Conway's comments come at a curious time as he recently took himself out of the running to head the Justice Department Civil Division where he was considered the front runner.

As of press time, neither Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, or the White House has responded to the remarks made by Conway.

Travel ban future

While it's unknown how the travel ban will play out in the courts moving forward, it doesn't look like Donald Trump or his team will be giving up anytime soon. In response, critics of the commander in chief, even those close to the White House, seem as if they will hold Trump's feet to the fire as the controversy involving the ban continues.