President Trump is contemplating an overhaul of his staff as he grapples with the escalating crisis involving Russian interference in the just concluded campaign. Irritated with his team’s inability to weather the storm of the new revelations, Trump has resorted to expanding his team of lawyers and professional public relations workers. Though satisfied with his foreign trip, the reports of Moscow’s interference and proposed dishonest dealings with his campaign have clouded the scene.

Severe allegations against Trump's son-in-law

The White House has had to grapple with allegations of Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner's proposed secret communication link with Russia during the presidential transition. Donald Trump responded on Sunday, after a brief period of social media silence due to his foreign trip. He furiously attacked what he called the “fake news” media. He emphasized leaks within the White House and an intelligence leak blamed on the U.S. regarding the deadly explosions at a concert in Britain.

Based on the bombing allegations, Trump tweeted that British Prime Minister May was unhappy that the information the U.K.

sent to U.S. about Manchester was leaked. Trump also tweeted that most of the leaks coming out of the White House were forged. He also reiterated that the sources may have been fabricated by fake journalists. During press briefings, top officials in the White House have requested anonymity, meaning non-disclosure of their identity. President Trump did not show up on Sunday to deliver remarks at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.

President Trump to strengthen legal team

Trump has recruited his longtime lawyer, Marc Kasowitz to strengthen his still-forming legal team to help him cushion the escalating Russia investigation. Crisis communication experts, along with more highly experienced lawyers when it comes to political cases in Washington, are expected to join the team.

President Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinsky investigation, introduced a committed team of lawyers and formed a separate media operation to tackle inquiries related to the investigation.

Sources say Trump is considering formally adding his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, and former deputy campaign manager, David Bossie to his team. The source also stated that Bossie and Lewandowski spoke with the president on this issue before his trip.

The comeback of Lewandowski would be one to consider, noting that he was relieved of his duties by Trump after a fallout between he, Trump's staff, and children. However, President Trump trusts Lewandowski. Trump still has critical issues to confront, such as; to make a decision on whether or not to withdraw from the Paris climate pact and the search for an FBI Director to replace James Comey.