The White House Communications Director, Michael Dubke, has resigned, as Trump contemplates the overhaul of his staff. Aides say President Trump is frustrated by charges of Russia’s intervention in the recently concluded elections and allegations of ties between his campaign team and Moscow.

Dubke wrote in a statement that it had been a pleasure and honor to serve in the Trump team and to work with the staff of the communications and press department.

Michael Dubke, a Republican consultant, joined the Trump administration after Jason Miller withdrew from consideration. Michael Dubke is the CEO and founder of crossroad media, a firm that specializes in political advertising.

Dubke's voluntary retirement is questionable

Dubke’s voluntary retirement is questionable, as his resignation came right as Donald Trump announced his decision to overhaul his staff. However, Kellyane Conway told the Associated Press that Dubke’s resignation came before the President’s international trip, suggesting that his departure was not instigated by the pending changes.

His depature suggests the return of previous Trump loyalists. President Trump has considered bringing back his former Deputy Campaign Manager, David Bossie and former manager, Corey Lewandowski. Bossie stated in an interview with Fox News that the Trump administration has contacted him but hasn’t offered to hire him yet. He stated in the interview that the Trump administration talked to a lot of people. He later added that the discussions were still ongoing.

Conway speaks with Fox News

Conway told Fox News that Dubke stated in clear terms that he was going to put in his best through the President’s international trip, and that he would come to work every day until the President returned from his trip because of the quantity of work that was left undone at the White House.

Dubke was hired to lessen the workload on Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, who handled the office of communications director during Donald Trump’s first month in office.

While on tour, Trump hired his longtime lawyer, Marc Kasowitz to add to his legal team to help him cushion the increasing investigations into the interference of Russia in the 2016 election, and the possible involvement of his associates. More lawyers with practical knowledge of Washington cases are expected to join the team shortly, along with communications experts.