For 11 years, billionaire Donald trump hosted the reality show “The Apprentice” from 2004 through 2015. Each episode ended with the firing of the contestant with the poorest contribution. Now, as the 45th President of the U.S., Trump is still on an OJT status.

But for former House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican and friend of Trump, the real estate mogul has been doing a poor job as president.

Except for the steps taken by the commander-in-chief to challenge the ISIS and other moves in global affairs, Trump’s first five months in office is a complete disaster, the ex-Ohio congressman said, Reuters reported.

Still learning how to be a president

Boehner, who spoke at the energy conference in Houston on Wednesday, explained his comment that everything else Trump has done is a complete disaster is because he is still learning how to be a president. His lack of political experience was one of the criticisms against the billionaire during the campaign period.

The former House speaker cited the efforts by Trump and the GOP in Congress to advance their sweeping health care and tax reform plans.

Boehner is not in favor of repealing the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.

He is critical of the GOP’s cornerstone policy, tax reforms which Boehner calls a bunch of happy talks. Due to opposition by Republicans and the White House, the initiatives of current House Speaker Paul Ryan on a border adjustment tax and import tax are “deader than a doornail.”

But while Boehner backs efforts to investigate the interaction between Russian officials and the Trump campaign, the ex-House Speaker stops at calls to impeach the president. He said since impeachment is a political process and not a legal process, it might just rile up the supporters of Trump.

Self-inflated individual

Meanwhile, Trump’s fascination with Russia goes three decades back, a Nobel Peace Prize winner claimed.

Bernard Lown, a Boston cardiologist who invented the defibrillator, disclosed that in the mid-1980s, Trump tried to pursue an official government post aggressively to the USSR.

Lown, who shared the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize with a Soviet doctor for their efforts to promote denuclearization, arranged a meeting with him in 1986 to ask information about Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR head of state. Trump wanted to be the plenipotentiary ambassador with the main task of being the nuclear disarmament negotiator on behalf of the U.S.

Trump then boasted that if he got the post, within one hour, the Cold War would be over. At that time, while Lowe listened to Trump’s boast, he considered the ambitious man a self-inflated individual whose sanity the doctor questioned.