Many conspiracy theorists believe that Mars was once the most bustling ecosystem in our solar system, and a recent discovery made by some alien enthusiasts clearly substantiates this fact. A YouTube channel named "Paranormal Crucible" recently shared a video which features a tall and textured object on the Martian surface.

The Curiosity Rover finds the object, and alien researchers believe that it is possibly a tree stump.

The YouTube channel owner assumes that it is the remnants of a Martian tree which clearly indicates that the planet was once home to living beings. Earlier, an experiment conducted by the International Potato Center clearly identified that the soil in Mars does have some nutrients which are capable of holding plant life.

Does life exist on this enigmatic planet?

The recently discovered object on the surface of Mars is approximately three feet tall, and it resembles a tree stump which is getting decayed. The discovery has once again heated up the arguments related to the existence of life in this planet, and some conspiracy theorists believe that it is the Government who covers up the realities behind the presence of UFOs and extra-terrestrial beings.

Even in the midst of these heated arguments, many YouTube users have commented under the suspected 'tree stump' video telling that the structure found in the footage is nothing but a piece of rock. Some users even claimed that this footage might be taken from any desert on the Earth, not from the Mars.

James T Wright's 'Prior Indigenous Technological Species'

A fascinating and unique academic paper prepared by an American Space scientist James T Wright has also caught the attention of space researchers, as most of the claims in the article seem authentic. Wright, who now works at the Pennsylvania State University suggested that extra-terrestrial living beings could have live on Earth, Mars, and Venus for many years, before disappearing without traces.

The scientist who first proposed the idea of alien mega structure believes that advanced alien civilizations might have left behind crucial techno-signatures which will help us to find them, but we should first know where to look for them. He also added that it would be foolishness if we are searching for archaeological pieces of evidence, as most of them would have lost in the course of time.

The scientist who first proposed the idea of alien mega structure believes that advanced alien civilizations might have left behind crucial techno-signatures which will help us to find them, but we should first find out where to look for them. He also added that it would be foolishness if we are searching for archaeological evidence, as most of them would have lost in the course of time.

The theory of James also suggests that alien life form would have come to Earth from within the solar system, not from any other distance planets surrounding a different star.