Before the state of Arkansas conducting the first dual execution in 17-years, the lawyers for inmates Jack H. Jones Jr. and Marcel Williams challenged the use of the drug Midazolam that was used to kill them.

They reportedly said that because of their medical conditions, using the drug might be ineffectual and cause the executions to be "unconstitutionally painful." The practice of executing an inmate through Lethal Injection was actually designed to be painless but as a Blasting News article which details the process explains, there are plenty of cases that have been widely reported which have given the appearance and to many no doubt that the executions had been botched.

Signs of suffering for death row inmate

A reporter for the Associated Press was present at the dual executions and said that he saw Mr. Jones move his lips for up to two minutes after the lethal injection process began. But he could not confirm whether the inmate was gasping for air or if he was experiencing any pain. The New York Times reported that in a court filing, the lawyers said that Mr. Jones "gulped for air during the execution" and stated that this was "evidence of continued consciousness." As a process, the executioners are supposed to be able to find a vein to administer the drugs quickly, but they reportedly spent up to 45 minutes trying to find a vein in Mr.

William's neck to insert the central line. When they couldn't do that, they had to look elsewhere.

Opposition, stays and other execution

In the mentioned Blasting News article, it was reported that Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson was rushing to execute up to seven inmates before the end of the month because the drug was going to expire but encountered conflicts with pharmaceutical companies, attorneys and human rights groups along the way.

Those public's outrage and efforts by attorneys have resulted in four stays issued by the courts until the state was able to carry out the execution on Ledell Lee who was executed last Thursday. As of this writing, nothing has been done to stop the scheduled execution of Kenneth Williams, a fourth inmate, this coming Thursday.

Judge Kristine G. Baker of the United States District Court in Little Rock, Arkansas had initially issued a temporary stay for Marcel Williams before she would eventually reject it.

She also ruled against a separate challenge as to when the curtains to the death chamber should be opened for witnesses to view in an adjoining room.

Following the execution of Mr. Jones, the victim's daughter, Lacey Seal who survived his assault told reporters that she was glad it was done and was also glad that this chapter in her life was now closed.