General Mills recently removed Buzz the bee from packages of Honey Nut Cheerio's. And mailed out 1.5 billion packets of wildflowers, to be planted across North America. The purpose is an attempt to increase nectar, and prevent bumblebees from becoming extinct. Business Insider is now reporting that this effort by General Mills may backfire, and do more harm than good.
What may possibly happen with all those wildflowers on the earth
Business Insider linked to an article by Beth Skwarecki, entitled "Don't plant those bee-friendly wildflowers that Cheerio's is giving away." Skwarecki spoke to ecologist Kathryn Turner, who just so happens to specialize in plants that are invasive.
Turner stated that some plants can cause ecological damage when planted outside of their native habitat. She said these invasive plants can overtake an area and spread disease, as well as use up all of the space and resources.
In her article, Beth Skwarecki gave examples of the possibilities when all those wildflowers are planted in the earth. She points out that while the California Poppy works well in the Sunshine state, it is considered an exotic, invasive pest plant in Southeastern states of America. And that in Connecticut and Massachusetts, Forget- me- Nots are seen as a noxious weed. She also says that because some of the wildflowers on the list do not hail from North America, they probably will not benefit bees that live here.
The fate of the Honey Bees
Once the wildflowers arrive at their destination, some individuals will plant them and others will not. That's just human nature. If the information from Business Insider is correct, one of two things will happen to the plants that make it into the ground.
They will fulfill their purpose and increase nectar, as General Mills believes.
Or the warning given by Kathryn Turner, prove to be true. Some plants will be toxic, invasive, run rampant and cause ecological damage. Whichever scenario plays out, will determine the fate of the honey bees in that neck of the woods. For the sake of Buzz the bee, and Honey Nut Cheerio's, let's hope there will be no ecological damage and that the bees will not become an endangered species.