People on Pochin Place in Hampton noted a man walking in and out of the home with what they thought was his Dogs. The man was supposedly a very nice gentleman who was friendly and helpful to neighbors. They reported seeing Pitbulls in the back yard of the home and continually heard dogs barking at all hours. However, no one remembers seeing the man since the summer months, and the dogs have been quiet. Police were called because the situation was suspicious and everyone suddenly smells a strong odor coming from that home.
The investigation by Hampton Police
Police were summoned to the 200 block of Pochin Place on Monday morning for a welfare check after neighbors reported a strong smell coming from the home. As the officers entered the house, they found 21 dogs dead and one was still alive. Although Pitbulls were noted previously on the property, police could not confirm if they were all one breed. People in the area are all animal people and felt emotional about the findings. Not only locals but contractors in the area working on gas lines called 911 after detecting the foul odor which was due to the dog bodies.
The one-story home was covered in garbage, debris and feces inches high along with the small building in the back of the residence.
People waited outside while police did the investigation and removed the carcasses. They were at the home until nearly midnight on Tuesday. No arrests have been made as yet regarding the investigation.
Comments by neighbors who saw the dogs alive
Ms. Ferdnance is a neighbor in the area and fellow dog owner who says she spoke with the man at the home a few times before he disappeared.
She reports to the Pitbull rescue group, Blue Angels Advocacy that she talked to the guy several times and he always told her he was fixing up stuff. She reports seeing dogs but cannot attest to how many dogs were at the home. Regina Quinn of the advocacy and rescue group feels that this guy was either breeding the dogs and things went wrong, or it was some kind of dogfighting situation.
A necropsy of the dogs will determine if it was dogfighting and how they did die. Either way, she states that the dogs suffered a painful death. The Blue Angels have been pushing for stricter laws and enforcement regarding backyard breeding.
Another neighbor, Ms. Vandran reports extreme shock and horror after the horrific findings. Ms. Newkirk from the area reports that the neighbors had no idea what was going on in that house, but they are all hoping police will get answers as to what happened to those poor dogs. Another neighbor, Daniel Goldstone reports living in the area for more than 20 years, and if he knew there were any problems with the animals, authorities would’ve been called much sooner. He just could not believe what he heard on the news, and it is devastating. A small memorial was set up outside the home on Tuesday after the discovery. The investigation is ongoing.