Ever since Election Day, the biggest story to dominate the news cycle has been the impact of Russia on the 2016 presidential election. As the pressure mounts on Donald Trump and the White House to explain the facts being released, the president is doing his best deflect onto other issues.

Trump on Twitter

Whether it's his refusal to release his questionable tax returns, his associates' communication with Russian officials, or other reports linking himself to the Kremlin, Donald Trump has scrambled in recent weeks to defend himself and deny any wrongdoing.

Not long after Trump was elected president, the FBI and Justice Department confirmed that Russia not only was responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee, but that they did it with the goal of aiding the billionaire real estate mogul in the process. Since then, Trump has been hit with devastating blows to his administration, as it was uncovered that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions were both in contact with high-ranking Russian officials during, and after, the election. In another example of deflection, the president lashed out on Twitter on March 27.

Taking to his Twitter account on Monday night, Donald Trump voiced his clear opposition to the current congressional investigation in Congress over Russia's involvement in the election.

"Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia," Trump tweeted out, before adding "Russian speech money to Bill, the Hillary Russian 'reset,' praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company." In conclusion, the president added "Trump Russia story is a hoax," before using the hashtag "#MAGA!"

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Despite Donald Trump's opposition, Congress is continuing their investigation in an attempt to get to the bottom of what role Russia played in the election and its outcome.

Republican Senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been clear in their opposition to Russia, though others, like House Intel Chair Devin Nunes remain a question mark with many believing he is too in favor of Trump to be fair. While it's unknown what the end result will be, it's expected that Trump will not be happy about it.