An effigy of U.S. President Donald Trump erupted into flames Sunday, on what was the final day of the annual “Las Fallas” celebration in Valencia, Spain. The realistic figure was dressed in blue overalls, with trowel and brick in hand, while working on building a border wall.

Burning of the effigies at 'Las Fallas' – including Trump

The festival of “Las Fallas” falls over the period March 15 to 19 and is held to celebrate the end of the winter season.

The event also celebrates St. Joseph, the patron saint of Valencia. Throughout the festival, giant, satiric papier-mache figures (“ninots”) are paraded through the street and then set alight. Fireworks then fill the night sky as revelers cheer the arrival of spring. This year one of those “Las Fallas” figures was none other than Donald Trump, who was paraded through the streets before eventually being burned. Shortly before a spectacular fireworks display was held, Trump’s effigy was added to the growing fire in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento in the Spanish city, to tumultuous applause from the surrounding crowd.

Trump effigy met its demise with a giant dragon

The Trump effigy was in fine company in the flames, as it was burned alongside a giant figure of a dragon, towering over the U.S. President's form. Paco Romero, one of the organizers of the annual festival, told the media that burning Trump’s effigy was part of the festival’s tradition of satirizing powerful characters. Reportedly last year they burned an effigy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He went on to explain that the “Falla” – which translates in English as “fault” – has a particular slogan, “Ti en ci,” which translates from Catalan into English as “Son of Heaven.” Romero said that in the festival the kings of the world are represented, with President Trump happening to be one of those kings right now.

Romero went on to add that they wished to display the current political situation with satire and criticism, hence they depicted Trump as building the wall between the U.S. and Mexico. It is unknown whether President Trump is aware of the incident.

Watch the action at the “Las Fallas” festival in the video included below.

Donald Trump was not alone in the flames

According to the Independent, a couple of famous footballers were also paraded through the streets before being set alight. The not particularly flattering papier-mache figures of Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi were smiling toothily as met their fiery fate at “Las Fallas.”

It also turns out this isn't the first time a Trump effigy has gone up in flames, as a similar figure was reportedly blown up with fireworks in the English city of Lewes on November 5 last year.