The #Republican Party based a large part of their campaign against Obamacare on the premium increases that would effect some people. But the New York Times looked squarely at that issue on Thursday to get the facts straight.

The Times found that only a limited slice of the market was really affected by the increases. And that of the 90 percent of citizens who have health insurance most receive it from their job or the government.

As such, the #actual premium growth in these groups has been low for the last few years.

The rest of the insured American population buy their insurance either through the #Obamacare market place or from an actual insurance company. And republicans have said that this is the group who has seen a rise in their premiums.

But 85 percent of Americans buying their insurance through the Obamacare marketplaces get #federal subsidies, which then mostly protect them from these reputed premium increases.

The result is surprising

As a result? This makes the remaining #marketplace consumers, and those who purchase their plans directly, affected by the increases.

And these two groups make up only 3 percent of all United States citizens.

So the defining Republican argument against Obamacare is #flawed. And the plan they released Thursday would reform subsidies that protect many Obamacare enrollees from increases. That means if prices increase, more people will pay for it.