An alleged serial pedophile has been arrested by police in Pennsylvania, USA. If the evidence found in his home is a true indicator of a child sex monster then the man in custody may well be "every parent's nightmare." People's K.C Baker covered the horror story, reporting that "prosecutors said they arrested 58-year-old William Charles Thomas, a mobile home park handyman in Falls Township, Pennsylvania." He was described by prosecution authorities as a “real-life bogeyman.”
Child sex suspect is charged with pornography and faces arraignment on child rape
William Charles Thomas is a name that could bring back nightmares for damaged people who ran into his clutches in their childhood.
While he is being charged with child pornography and dissemination of child pornography at the moment, he will be further arraigned on Tuesday on additional charges. These include sexual assaults of children that date back as far as 1997. Five of those assaults include child rape.
A parent's worst nightmare could affect hundreds of people
According to People, child sex by a monster serial pedophile could have involved hundreds, if not thousands of children. They reported that US court documents showed as many as a 1000 pairs of used children's underwear were found, some of which were hung above his bed.
There were also both child pornography and "adult pornography with images of children superimposed on them; and photos depicting children engaged in sex acts," recovered when police searched Thomas's storage trailer. “This is a parent’s worst nightmare,” the Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub said. Police said that his "bedroom served as a room which appeared to be exclusively dedicated to prominently displaying in excess of 1,000 photographs and pictures which depicted naked children, the majority of which were prepubescent.”
Evidence shipped out in 'truckloads'
William Charles Thomas has not admitted any plea as yet, but the allegations against him could mount up as police have called for people to come forward who may have been molested by him when they were children prior to 1997.
If the evidence stacks up, the court may find that they have a child sex molester with a history of damaging youngsters over a time period of 40 years. It took police more than three days to empty and process the evidence from his trailer home and this evidence was transported "by the truckload" according to Weintraub.
Polie were tipped off by park manager
The police carried out an investigation that lasted three months after a tip-off from the manager of the Midway Village Trailer Park in Falls Township where 58-year-old Thomas worked. A new homeowner had found a piece of plywood with detailed and specific descriptions of molested children written on it. The manager, who had hired Thomas to do some work on the trailer home apparently recognized it as belonging to WilliamThomas.
It has emerged through authorities that Thomas said he had been attracted to young children since he was an adolescent and in an interview last week, he admitted to sex acts with children. Some of those children may have been in his care as he baby-sat them. In the face of these allegations, many children may have had to live with the memory of a real-life child sex monster and hundreds of parents may now have to face their worst nightmare.