When Donald Trump first announced his candidacy for president, he quickly came under fire for referring to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers." Trump would go on to promise that Mexico would fully found his Southern border wall, but it appears there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Trump on Twitter
One of the biggest talking points that Donald Trump used on the campaign trail was that not only would he build a wall separating the United States and Mexico, but that the latter would be financially responsible.
However, despite his vow, recent reports have noted that Trump is no longer asking Mexico to pay upfront, but instead is looking to have American tax payers front the money, which he says will be reimbursed at some point in the future. As seen on his official Twitter account on January 8, Trump is not happy with how the story has been reported in the media.
"Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall if they pay a little later so the wall can be built more quickly," Donald Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday night, before adding, "Media is fake!" This isn't the first time that Trump has clashed with the news media, as his feud with the press has only escalated since the start of his campaign.
Since winning big on Election Day, Donald Trump and the media have continued to butt heads, most notably over the reports that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee with the goal of hurting Hillary Clinton's chances at victory. As expected, the billionaire real estate mogul has dismissed the idea that his win was tainted, and has hit back at the media for giving the story so much attention.
Next up
Donald Trump still hopes to build a wall on the Southern border, but the costly proposal could hit a snag in Congress over the funding. Like other promises made during the campaign, it's unknown if Trump will be able to follow through. The president-elect will get the opportunity to do so in less than two weeks, as Trump will be sworn in as the next commander in chief on Inauguration Day, despite over 100,000 protesters planning to attend.