Donald Trump looks to expand his business. The Aberdeenshire golf course in Scotland has opened up an enormous opportunity for Donald Trump to enter Britain in a big way. His firm has won permission from the local governing body for the construction of a luxury housing estate. It was in spite of objections from local residents and anti-Trump protesters. The complex will be next to the golf course he owns in Aberdeenshire. He is an avid golfer and the president knows it is a win-win situation. The broad plan envisages building 550 homes and holiday villas.

These would help to improve employment opportunities and simultaneously give a boost to Travel and tourism.

The Guardian says councillors of Aberdeenshire granted approval to the proposals for having a luxury housing resort near the golf course. However, one councilor said, “it fell far short of Trump’s 2008 pledge to build a major £750m resort, including a 450-bed five-star hotel and time-share complex.” The Trump Organization has already obtained approval for another golf course close to the housing estate. These are indications that Donald Trump plans to obtain a firm footing in Britain.

There were objections but Trump got his way

Thousands of people objected to the proposed housing scheme.

They had pointed out about the congestion of roads since traffic is bound to increase. However, on the flip side, when visitors come to stay in the villas, they will provide a boost to the local economy. That will mean benefits for the locals. There will be 500 luxury detached homes and 50 holiday villas. These villas would cater to guests of Trump’s boutique hotel.

The prices would be at the higher end in comparison to similar properties in Aberdeen. This appears to be justifiable in view of a number of add-ons offered to attract prospective buyers. It seems that Donald Trump is a businessperson par excellence and knows how to woo others. As far as his project in Scotland goes, one of these add-ons is the ‘Trump’ card.

Those who own these cards will get access to the worldwide chain of Trump hotels.

Trump’s plan in Aberdeenshire holds promises

According to Sky News, councilors have granted approval for Donald Trump’s holiday units close to the golf course of the US President. The planning committee has recommended the application for approval. It has said it would "still result in development that will provide economic and social benefits to the local area and region." There would be 550 homes to provide retail and leisure facilities at Menie Estate on an 84-hectare site within the estate.

It is the home of Trump International Golf Links. The plans now approved are different from original plans of 2008, which were for a 450-bedroom hotel. It would have been a part of the first phase of the luxury golf resort. Trump loves his golfing and an official of Trump International Golf Links said the approval for the plans was "a clear endorsement by the northeast of Scotland that the Trump development to date is already a success."