Tornadoes are not common in Cape Cod and the one that struck Tuesday was the fourth one recorded in the area since 1950. The National Weather Service radar confirmed about the Tornado touching down. NWS issued a number of tornado warnings for the Cape and nearby locations. These included the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyards. It followed in the wake of powerful rainstorms in the East Coast on earlier days.

The tornado fell in the category of EF-1. There is no clarity on if it was a single one or if there were more than one. The authorities declared a state of emergency in Harwich where most of the homes were in darkness minus electricity.

Daily Mail UK reports about thousands of people being without power because of the rare climatic disorder. A sudden tornado with wind speeds of 110 mph wreaked havoc in Cape Cod, ripped the roof off a hotel and uprooted trees. It touched down just after noon on Tuesday in the resort areas. Obviously, lives went out of gear in South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, and Harwich.

Infrastructure took a beating

The tornado left a trail of destruction in its wake. It is the peak of the tourist season and people were without electricity. It led to an uncomfortable situation. The storm uprooted trees, damaged homes, and parked vehicles. There was litter everywhere and people tried to locate a safe shelter. The worst part was a hotel that had its roof blown away. It happened in Yarmouth and the guests had to scramble for cover. The experience was frightening. The hotel owner transferred the guests to other hotels.

Daily Mail UK goes on to add that eight communities were affected by the tornado. All of them reported about downed power lines, uprooted trees and damage all around.

Police and Red Cross chipped in with additional patrols and volunteers. Such a weather condition in the tourist season is disastrous for both the locals as well as the visitors. It is normally an attractive Travel destination and state weather records reveal that Cape Cod witnessed only three confirmed tornadoes since 1950. These were in 1968, 1977, and an EF-0 twister in 2018.

It was like a bolt from the blue

According to CNN, the tornado that hit Cape Cod was a rare one as admitted by the National Weather Service. The United States faces around 1,250 plus tornadoes on an average each year. Massachusetts sees only one while Alaska and Rode Island sees none. This information is as per official US sources.

A survey team from the NWS is assessing the extent of damage, especially to power lines, roads, bridges etcetera that bears the brunt of such disasters. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito informed media that crews are doing the assessment and added, "It is a miracle that there was no significant personal injury."