The sudden arrival of a multicolored Mandarin duck in New York’s Central Park has delighted birdwatchers. The bird, a male, is not native to America but belongs to East Asia and enthusiasts are trying to trace its origin. An ornithologist saw it first in Central Park's Pond on October 10. He captured the images on a video and shared it. He was David Barrett from the Manhattan Bird Alert, and those who saw it wanted a closer look. The bird returned around two weeks later and was seen near the Hudson River from where it moved back to the Central Park Pond.

Fox News reports that there are a number of theories about its origin. One was that it had escaped from the local zoo. David Barrett knew that the Central Park Zoo had such a bird but officials of the zoo had not reported any missing Mandarin duck. Another possibility was that it was owned privately and had escaped or it was abandoned.

The future of the bird

In the opinion of David Barrett, this Mandarin duck was a captive one because there was a black band around its leg. Its owner must have set it free as many owners do with exotic Pets.

As things stand, the duck is trying to adjust to its new surroundings. The species is aggressive in nature and this one appears to be asserting its dominance. However, as winter approaches, it could face a shortage of food because these species usually feed on insects and vegetation that they find on the surface of the water.

Therefore, once the water freezes, there could be problems. Incidentally, it is a male and with no females in the pond, it will never breed and in all probability will become a permanent feature of the Central Park.

Park officials say the bird will remain

According to Daily Mail UK, Mandarin ducks are native to East Asia and possess multicolored feathers and a pink bill that adds to their beauty.

One of these exotic birds has made the Central Park in New York City its home, to the delight of birdwatchers. It seems it is able to fly, unlike most domestic ducks. It is possible that it took the aerial route to land in the Hudson River. Incidentally, it is illegal to own a duck as a pet in New York City and officials of the park have indicated that they will allow it to remain unless there is any threat. This beautiful bird is a gift of nature and needs protection, irrespective of who its owner was. Therefore, the decision of Central Park is a step in the right direction. It will allow the duck to thrive in the arms of nature and help ornithologists to study it from close quarters while city folks can enjoy watching as it moves about majestically in the water.