Game developer Studio Wildcard just announced that they’d be rolling out another PvP server for “ARK: Survival Evolved.” Their recent blog post also detailed what Survivors should expect from it as it will be launched in a couple of days.

‘ARK’ Cluster B Cassic PvP announced

According to the game maker, the PvP server dubbed Cluster B will be an excellent opportunity for “ARK” players who are still new to the game and those who haven’t delved themselves into Classic PvP yet.

They even revealed the upcoming server’s rates and rules:

  • The following will have a rate of 5x on the said server as soon as it goes live:

-Experience gained



  • Meanwhile, these will have quadrupled rates:




  • Tribes within the Cluster B server will have max players set to 25
  • Servers will be having a maximum player count of 100.
  • It was also mentioned that the following “ARK” maps would be available in Cluster B:

-The Island

-Scorched Earth



-The Center

  • Wildcard also pointed out that these dinos are not available for taming on Classic PvP:

-Tek Parasaur

-Tek Quetzal

-Tek Rex

-Tek Stego

-Tek Raptor


-Tapejara and


  • Both Aberration and Extinction contents will also not be made available on Classic PvP
  • There will also be a reduction in the scaling of weapon damage
  • There will be no TEK engrams
  • Cave building will not be allowed
  • Cryopods will be enabled
  • The resistance of the tamed Stegosaurus will be trimmed down to 35 percent
  • The resistances of both the tamed Quetzal and tamed Wyvern will be getting a 20 percent reduction as the latter’s damage will also be reduced by 20 percent.

Survivors’ concern

Down in the comments, it may well seem that a lot of Survivors are not hyped about Studio Wildcard’s latest announcement.

Survivors are questioning the developer’s decision to introduce another PvP server stating why to start a new cluster if it will be plagued with cheaters, aim botters, and the like.

An ‘ARK’ player’s experience

An “ARK” player – gummythicc – raised some concerns about the “rampant GM (admin) abuse in favor of particular tribes.” The OP also pointed out the random banning of anyone who bests the tribe that the admin is favoring.

The player also brought up an instance where the OP’s 11-year-old daughter signed in for just a day and helped them put up a stone base, logged out, and eventually got banned after the “ARK” player had a PvP encounter with the favored tribe.

The OP even described this cluster's moderation as “atrocious” and went on to note not recommending it.

At the tail end of the comment, the OP highlighted the number of honest “ARK” players that wanted to go back and play Classic. However, it was mentioned that none of them would not be returning to Season 4 Part 2 without the “overdue accountability and transparency.”

ARK’s” Cluster B will go live on March 12 at 1 P.M. Eastern/10 A.M. Pacific time.